Avocado: water consumption and environmental balance

The avocado water consumption in comparison

For the cultivation of one kilogram of avocado will be average between 1000 and 1500 liters of water needed. At first glance, this number seems enormously high, especially when you consider that one kilogram equals only about three avocados. For comparison: other fruits and vegetables, such. Cucumbers, onion lettuce, potatoes, carrots or tomatoes, consume less than a third of water.

But it is not that simple. If you like the avocado facing other foods, their water consumption turns down low again. To produce one kilogram of beef, for example, more than 15,000 liters of water are needed, for a kilogram of cheese about 3000 liters must be applied. Like the study and the graphic of Warenvergleich.de show that the avocado water consumption is therefore rather average.

© obs / Warenvergleich.de

Problematic environmental balance

Unfortunately that does not mean that we can now eat avocados with a clear conscience. Especially problematic is the bad LCA of the fruit.

  • Long transport routes: Avocados are mainly cultivated in Central and South America (eg Mexico and Chile), so that a large amount of CO2 is released for transport to Europe. In addition, they usually store in cool boxes or containers with a high energy consumption.
  • Deforestation of forests: In some growing regions, forest is (illegally) cleared to make room for the avocado plantations. This in turn leads to an increase in monocultures and an ecological imbalance.
  • Water scarcity: The intensive irrigation of the plantations in some countries means that the groundwater is scarce and the soil dries up.
  • pesticides: The use of pesticides has polluted the drinking water in some regions, and environmental organizations are worried about adverse health effects on plantation workers who come into contact with pesticides.

Are you even allowed to eat avocados?

Yes, one may, but we should not overdo it with our consumption and the fruit consciously enjoy, There are many regional products that are at least as good and sustainable. When buying one should also on the Origin of the avocado pay attention, because the fruits are grown, among other things in Spain and then have a shorter transport route.

Additionally you should go to avocados with the EU organic seal This ensures that EU standards in production are met.

Videotipp: What you can do with an avocado core

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