4 reasons why you can be really happy? if you have a twin in life

Bulls are typically pragmatic, lions confident and rams responsible? but what would you spontaneously associate with the twin (21 May to 21 June)? While other zodiacs usually highlight a feature that sticks very well, twins may be a bit harder. For example, at first glance, they often count towards the rather inconspicuous contemporaries, who prefer to move slightly below the radar. But who knows a twin, will not want to delete him from his list so quickly? and here are just four reasons why.

4 reasons why every person who knows a twin can be lucky

1. Twins find something interesting in everything

Boredom? Does not know a twin. For twins, the world is first and foremost an interesting place that they want to know and experience as much as possible. Whether nature, their fellow human beings or our society? Gemini wants to understand everything inclusive. These Cosmopolitanism and curiosity, Walking through life with twins is not just inspiring and a good role model? but often enough also a crucial contribution to our common progress.

2. Gemini always know a good (!) Advice

Do you know these people, who always know better and have a smart advice, even though they have not asked them? These are rarely twins! Gemini almost never intervene unsolicited, but if you ask them for advice, you're likely to get it the most helpful answer ever. You just have to leave it to them: twins are above average clever. Although they carry so much information and knowledge with them, they always stay clear in the mind and keep that by views, That's why twins are great? and sympathetic? Counselor!

3. Gemini do not make high demands on you

True, twins could intimidate you with their wit and their clear, quick mind. But they just did not read it out! Twins are usually insane patiently with others. They give everyone the time and freedom to recognize or understand something they need. This tolerant, generous and enjoyable kind of twins makes them something very special!

4. Gemini show us how valuable friendships are

Whether we are friends, lovers or relatives, we can learn from him what friendship means. Maybe it's because they generally have such a good view, but twins seem to have understood how much a Platonic relationship can give us. and why it is so important to nurture them.


Videotipp: These zodiac signs just can not say no

Why You Should Strive for a Meaningful Life, Not a Happy One (May 2024).