14 women tell: "I would do that if I could not fail"

Failure is never a sign of weakness or a reason to feel bad, on the contrary: If you fail, you should be proud of yourself! After all, something has been tried and that includes courage, confidence and self-confidence. Sure, to recoup after a failed project can be difficult and exhausting, but ideally it makes us even stronger and bolder than before.

The only stupid thing about failure is that what we intended to do, z. A project that we wanted to realize, does not become a reality, Or at least not the reality that we had in mind. The ? and not the fear to fail? is, so also show the wonderful answers from our ChroniquesDuVasteMonde.com users on Facebook, often the real reason why we do not even tackle things where the likelihood of failure is high, After all, we want to bring ourselves and our energy to where we can really do something. And although that is absolutely enough? one may dream ...

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

1. Enable people to age in dignity

"Open a nursing home where you can really grow old in dignity, maybe with a kindergarten or farm ..."

2. Crab kicking in the ass

"Invent a drug for CANCER that heals everyone."

3. Do something good for people and animals who really need it

"Open a sanctuary for sick and old animals and in the course of time, people who are not feeling well will be able to enjoy a great weekend on this farm.

Simon STOPS Her and Asks to Sing Acapella! (May 2024).