10 mini-cleanup projects that you can do in less than 10 minutes

1. Clean up the hall

The hallway is the place where we drop everything when we get home. Shoes, bags, jackets, keys and the post office? Everything ends up where we are right now. Take 10 minutes to tidy up everything, and think of solid places that matter. If you always place them right after getting home, you will save yourself this task in the future.

2. Get the bed fresh

Only one word: bed mites. If you imagine what will crawl through your bed after two weeks at the latest, you will agree that these ten minutes are very well spent. Old bedding down, new bedding on it? and now look forward to the evening, when you cuddle up in the clean sheets. By the way: So often you should really change your bed linen.

3. Remove the laundry

You know that: The laundry hangs on the stand and you just take down what you want to wear. Stop it! Take off the laundry, put it together and put it in the closet. You'll see: without the tumble dryer you suddenly have so much space in your apartment.

4. Clear clean dishes

Rinse and drain: Some of your cups have guaranteed not seen the inside of a cabinet for a long time. Give them home again and put them out of the drip tray to their place. So they do not dust and you do yourself something good. Because did you know that a clean kitchen can help you lose weight, for example?

Also read

How a clean kitchen helps you lose weight

5. Sort out the drawers

Already the thought of everything that lies dormant in drawers and cupboards, makes you uncomfortable? Then take them piece by piece. Always one, if you have just 10 minutes time. See through, sort out and clean up? and close again without a guilty conscience.

6. Sort the mail

Letters, catalogs, magazines: Most things that come flooding us into the house, first land unread on the Flurtischchen. Roughly sorted, it then gathers in some corner of your home waiting to be reviewed and edited. If you make the pile over and over again, if you have 10 minutes, it will not get too big.

7. Clean the wardrobe

There are always a few parts that you have bought at some point and since the time a shadowy existence on your clothes rack. Is perhaps even the price tag still hanging? Go through your closet regularly in search of these shopping corpses and put them in small spurts at the girls flea market or the garbage. So you make room for new things and make others happy. By the way: If you hang the clothes hangers upside down after washing your clothes, you can always see at a glance which parts you have not worn for a long time. Then it's just a handle to tidy up.

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8. Sort out cosmetics

Just take a look at the shelves and cabinets in your bathroom and see which shampoos, shower baths and bath products you really do not use anymore. Or have you ever been given creams that you have never used or eye shadow that you simply do not like? They can all go away? and not only create more air in your bathroom, but also room for new beauty favorites.

9. Wash blankets and pillows

Just go through your apartment and collect everything that you have not washed for far too long: the blankie from the sofa, the bath mat in front of the shower, the pillowcase from the couch, the cushions from the kitchen chairs, hand towels, cloths and everything whatever else comes into your hands. The rest will be done by your washing machine. Clean cushions and blankets ring in the cuddly autumn time.

10. Sort out the fridge

It is true that the larger the refrigerator, the more food can be forgotten in the backsides. Regularly take a few minutes to examine the fridge and discard everything that has really expired and is no longer edible. On this occasion, you can also wipe out the fridge floors. And do not forget the freezer! If you have 15 minutes, you should also stock pantries and spice racks.

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Clean Up Your iPhone or iPad IN UNDER 10 MINUTES!!! (May 2024).

Clean-up work