"You unsexy slipper hero!" ? Shoes on or off in the booth?

Slippers, slippers, pushes? even from the words I get an allergy. If I lived alone, I would only walk in shoes through the apartment. The whole day. Also naked. Clack, clack, clack or slack, slack, slack would make it then on the floorboard, when I walk down the hall. Oh, that would be music in my ears. The call of freedom. But unfortunately...

... unfortunately I live with a slipper hero. For over a decade. My friend is one of those people who take off their shoes in front of the apartment door, and then immediately put their pants on. Even in the summer! I think so then: Spießer! Biedermann! Unsexy! But he says that is the best relaxation. A beloved ritual. The street shoes keep the work outside. And the dirt. And then he really starts to get into a rage. About bacteria and stones, manners and the Swedes. (Because they always do everything better and they always take off their shoes on the doorstep.) And so it goes on and on. We've had this discussion so often that I then spontaneously turn on passage and begin to dream: "Oh, he would at least walk around barefoot ... Or in socks ..." But, bam, already bring me the reality and his love butcher slippers again. The only compromise I've gotten him in the last few years: Instead of his mother, I now select the shoes. That makes the evil a little better.

What shoes have to do with freedom

Now it is like this: I prefer it even better if the apartment is clean and I do not constantly have stones under the sole of my foot. I'm not a messi. But there is the doormat! To be able to wear shoes in the flat, that stands for self-determination, to be free. Yes, that may sound exaggerated. But that's exactly how it is.

I just do not like it, if someone wants to prescribe things to me. That starts with the shoes. Nor do I want to dictate to other people what they should do or not do. That's why we have a big fight before every party, because I think: At a party, people must keep the shoes on. Otherwise, the outfit is already ruined before the fun begins. My friend holds against the fact that just at a party, the shoes belong, because then everyone is careful not to throw down his glass or plate and you do not have to directly order the grinder for the floor. And then I scream: "I like to do that! Then it was at least a good party and not such a piss-sit-in!?

The youth makes it better

Recently, I complained my friend my sorrow. She said to me: This whole debate is really outdated. That's such a '80s thing. The young people (she meant the five boys from the student flat in their house who are in their mid-twenties and all wore wild tattoos and beards), so they would all take off their shoes today. All! Please do not do that to me now and say goodbye to this brazen superstructure. It really is a totally harmless topic that you do not have to discuss for a decade.

She's right, I thought, a little ashamed. It's just shoes. Really.

But then, a few days later, I forgot something in my apartment and am back in pretty quickly? with my shoes! It made it clack, clack, clack as I walked down the hall. And I thought so: damn it! That's just how freedom sounds! For real!

But I still like to discuss it for another decade!

You Going To Bed Wearing That? R U Serious? (May 2024).