You should cleanse these 9 things after a disease

Regardless of whether it is a gastrointestinal or a cold, if we have survived a nasty illness, we do not want to lie flat so fast. So that germs, bacteria and Co. have no chance to make us sick again, we should neatly cleanse some things in our household after the illness. 

What you should definitely clean after a disease

remote Control

Those who are ill often lie on the sofa and zap through various TV channels. This will get the germs on our remote control. It is best to wipe them off after a disease with a disinfectant wipe and otherwise in everyday life about once a week.

Mobile, Tablet and Co.

Quick ordered something to eat again, because you feel too tired to cook yourself? already are the ill-making viruses and bacteria on mobile phones, tablets or on the computer keyboard. Here it is best to use a microfibre cloth to clean the display or the surface. Alternatively it goes also a damp glasses cleaning cloth. For mobile phones and co: Also, the back of the unit should be cleaned with a dry cloth.

Doorknobs and light switches

Basically, our hands are our biggest sprouts: with them, we touch everything without thinking too much about it. We close the bedroom door, so that we have our peace with a throbbing headache and then clear the light. Nevertheless, many forget to clean door handles and light switches thoroughly after a disease with a disinfectant wipe. And so they risk not only getting sick again, but also getting others infected.


When we have a cold, we are often plagued by colds and consume tons of handkerchiefs, which then crumpled up in the trash can land (Tip: home remedies for cold and home remedies for cough help to get rid of discomfort quickly). If the bag is full, will it be disposed of? and put a new one directly into the bin. It should also be properly disinfected, because many germs stuck when removing the garbage bag on the bucket.


Viruses and bacteria are extremely resistant? They often become one Wash of at least 60, better still 90 degrees killed. Therefore, all textiles that you have had contact after a disease in the washing machine. If, for example, a cold lasts longer, bedding, pajamas, towels and co. Should be changed every week.


The immune system of children is still in development? therefore they are very susceptible to germs, which they get over the hands of toys and stuffed animals. Toys made of plastic or wood can be easily cleaned with a disinfectant cloth, stuffed animals are similar to textiles in the washing machine.

Toothbrushes and toothbrush cups

From the mouth to the mouth: When you brush your teeth, viruses and bacteria get on the toothbrush and back into your mouth the next time we brush our teeth. Therefore, the toothbrush tumbler should be cleaned in the dishwasher and the toothbrush (or toothbrush head in the case of electrical appliances) should be replaced after illness.

Wipes and rags

If the whole apartment shines after the cleaning session, Used wipes and rags should be disposed of directly. Although it is quite possible to cook it out and reuse it, but the effort is usually greater than simply buying new ones.

Videotipp: cleaning windows? so it gets clean streak-free!

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Disease, germ trap, cleaning, cleanliness