You're married? Then you did everything right!

We go straight with a steep thesis: Marrying makes you a better person! Really. It may not seem that way to you sometimes, but marriage makes your whole life healthier, happier and more balanced. Incidentally, we did not come up with that, but found out scientists in various reputable studies. However, the basic requirement is that you are also married to the right person. But that's clear.

Men become more empathic

US researchers surveyed couples for a year and a half after their marriage and concluded that the changes they experienced after marriage were almost entirely positive. The female participants felt less anxious and depressed while the men felt more empathetic towards their surroundings. That was true for all couples? completely independent of financial status, the length of the relationship, the number of children or the individual history of men and women. The only negative change was that the participants stated that they were no longer so extroverted. Where there are worse things ...

More social, more stress-resistant, healthier

Other studies confirm that feeling one's identity with another person makes people behave more socially. In addition, participants indicated that they felt more stress-resistant since marriage. Of course, one has to say fair that these were mostly relatively newly married couples. However, there are other results that clearly show that marriage always has a positive effect on health, such as married people who die less often from heart attacks. What, according to a study at the University Hospital in Finland, is that they eat healthier together and have fewer worries together, including financial ones. What does that tell us? All who still have doubts: Just say yes. After all, it's great for your health.

Are You Dating or Married to the Wrong Person (This Is So Powerful) (May 2024).

Wedding, family study, gay marriage