Yasmin Fahimi: The SPD relies on an unknown

Who she is: Her party friends describe her as intelligent, tough, diligent and ambitious: Yasmin Fahimi is the new face of the SPD. She was elected on Sunday at an extraordinary federal party conference with 88.5 percent for the new Secretary General. Just ask yourself: Yasmin Who? That should not just happen to you like that. Anyone who does not deal intensively with politics and in particular the SPD on a daily basis has not necessarily been on the screen. Now the still quite inexperienced comrade is to bring fresh wind into the party.

Where she comes from: So far, the 46-year-old Fahimi has rather supported the SPD from the second row: whether in the local club or on juso and party work at the federal level. The daughter of a German and an Iranian from Hanover was most recently a trade unionist at the IG Mining, Energy and Chemistry - where she met her partner, the chairman Michael Vassiliadis know. She knows everything about male domains: Fahimi studied chemistry at the University of Hannover from 1989-1998. She describes the step on the big political floor as a "feeling to come home".

Why she has the office: She was surprised herself when Sigmar Gabriel asked her if she could imagine becoming General Secretary. For many, the reason why she just got the office, the odds. Because with the party leader Sigmar Gabriel and the parliamentary group leader Thomas Oppermann, the two most important positions are already male. But Fahimi makes it clear: She does not want to be seen as a woman or as a migrant on grounds of quotas. "I like to be judged by what I do and what I stand for."

What she says She has not heard much about her before, but in any case she is ready to go. When her CDU counterpart, Peter Tauber, wants to give her a book of survival techniques, she says she has already bought a suitable book: "The Art of Clear Thinking, 52 Mistakes that are better left to others."

Political Newcomer Yasmin Fahimi - the SPD's new general secretary | People & Politics (July 2024).

SPD, Sigmar Gabriel, Yasmin Fahimi, SPD, General Secretary, CDU, Sigmar Gabriel