Why we need favorite places

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Even babies like to crawl in boxes, children build special places, such as stalls in the woods or caves from blankets. Is that a kind of primal instinct?

Uwe Linke: Yes, quite unconsciously, babies and children try to recreate the "primeval cave", the mother's belly: soft, warm and completely cared for - the tighter, the more comfortable. The idea of ​​"representative" comes much later.

Why are our favorite places so important to us?

Our living space is becoming more and more public, and therefore intimate retreats are missing where we can be undisturbed and self-determined. That's why z. For example, many men at home first in the toilet and spend more time there than necessary. Women tend to make the whole apartment a place of cuddly islands. Consciousness and a sense of well-being are more important to them as they interact more frequently with other people, while men tend to think distractions when it comes to relaxation - a large TV set or a high-decibel music system is more important than a comfortable sofa full of cushions.

advises as a residential psychologist private individuals and companies (information: www.uwelinke.de). His experience: "There is no right or wrong living, just an individual." Book tip: "The psychology of living" addresses of manufacturers on page 147 (136 p., 17.99 euros, Nymphenburg)

© Stephan Glathe / PR

Is the retreat space a modern phenomenon?

My experience with my clients is that many people only come up with this idea when the children are out of the house, thus freeing up space. However, these retreat spaces have always been given, just think of alcoves or boudoirs, both areas in which one withdrew.

What happens at our favorite places with us?

That depends on how consciously I have proceeded in the design: The importance of the favorite place increases with the degree of appropriation. If you have designed the space yourself and used resources for it, this strengthens the bond, creates satisfaction. This distinguishes a "feel-good island" from the preferred place on the couch.

How do you ideally go about designing?

It makes sense to first ask yourself which inner need is crucial. Are you looking for peace and relaxation or a command center with perfect access to stimulation? The inner voice shows the way and the body responds with sensations. And one should remember that the needs change with each outer and inner life phase again.


Favorite place, retreat, apartment, favorite place