Why running makes us happy (and healthy)

Wear a shirt, shorts and shoes, music, running partner or take nothing with you and start walking - it could not be easier. Some want to clear their minds, some train for the next marathon, and others simply want to move outside - or on the treadmill. Jogging is a multi-talent: it makes us fit, keeps us healthy and makes us happy. We have collected the best reasons why shoeing is worthwhile.

Defeat a pig dog

Nothing is more beautiful than the satisfaction of tricking the inner bastard once again and running away from him.

Let the world be world

After a long day with cell phone bells, screen flicker and meetings just cut off all communication channels - and enjoy the wonderfully monotonous pace and breathing sounds.

Take care of the heart

The heart stays healthy: Regular running strengthens our heart muscle, improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Foreign allies greet

There are these moments - on Sundays, at seven, for example - when another morning runner comes to meet you. And suddenly one nods to each other, maybe even greets. As if you were part of a conspiratorial community that knows how it works.

To recharge your batteries

As we walk, our brains release endorphins - happy hormones that bring good humor (also known as "runner's high"). It is even supposed to protect against depression. And at the end of the track at the latest, our self-confidence gets a boost, because we have reached our goal.

Turn up the body heating

Especially in the cooler months, we enjoy the cozy-warm tingling when the body slowly thaws after the first three chilling minutes and we find our rhythm.

Breathe better

Our lungs work at full speed during each run. And she is getting better as the lung volume increases.

Do without bus, train or car

The clothes in your backpack and make the way home from work to training track - this combines the necessary with the beautiful, saves the extra round and we can jump sweaty-relaxed at home in the shower.

Enjoy the rain

Sometimes a rain shower also has something liberating-purifying-magical: you do not get wet as wet - and the running clothes come into the laundry afterwards.

Tighten figure

Our Muscles Grow: Although muscle tissue weighs more than fat, it also burns more calories - even when we are not moving. The body circumference nevertheless decreases, our figure becomes more defined.

Excuses do not apply

Actually, we only need ourselves and a good pair of shoes. And depending on the weather, one or more layers of clothes. But that's all there is to it, because you can start training right on your doorstep. It is hardly easier.

Steel immune system

Running strengthens our immune system and protects us from colds, allergies and indigestion.

Lower resting heart rate

Not only the cholesterol level, but also the blood pressure gradually lowers: The resting heart becomes noticeably and measurably lower.

to celebrate success

Once we've had a jogging session three times a week, it's much easier the next week.

reduce stress

We not only reduce stress through exercise, but we can also deal with it better. The next crisis situation can come.

Circulate blood

The likelihood of blood clots forming in the body or having type II diabetes is reduced.

Running away a headache

Just let it blow through: A run in the fresh air releases tensions and replaces the headache tablet.

Make new acquaintances

We expand our circle of friends and acquaintances when we join a training group. After all, it often gets easier in society.

Doing other good

Continuously improving the world: For many (half) marathons, the proceeds are donated to a good cause.

Strengthen bones

Our bones become stronger and we are less susceptible to osteoporosis.

Blissfully slumber

Running makes us sleep better and longer. This makes us more efficient and healthy - according to studies, it should also protect against cancer.

Better focus

Our brain is better supplied with oxygen and nutrients by the faster blood circulation. As a result, new nerve cells grow faster. We process stimuli faster, can think better, concentrate, decide and plan.

Get rid of pollutants

We flush pollutants faster. Our skin becomes clearer.

Strengthen your back and stomach

Running strengthens our core muscles because we move more than two-thirds of our total body muscles.

Exercise memory

We learn better, can store new information better and remember memories better. The risk of senile dementia decreases.

What is missing?

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What makes us happy and healthy? (May 2024).

Favorite sport, gym, running, happy, healthy, benefits, reasons