Why Princess Diana was forced to give Harry more love than William

The fact that Princess Diana, who died in a tragic car accident on August 31, 1997, was subjected to many royal constraints on the side of Prince Charles and thus was not very happy, is known. But how much Princess Diana suffered as a mother under the circumstances in the Royal Family, now Royal expert Richard Kay makes clear.

Princess Diana, the Daily Mirror reports, has always felt compelled to give her son Harry more love and attention than his big brother William. She should have said once to close friends:

I have to act that way. Charles and I worked so hard to make sure our two boys get the same amount of time and love, but other members of the family seem to focus only on William.

Especially the queen is said to have paid more attention to visits to the two boys in Clarence House William. Of course Lady Diana loved Harry as much as his brother William did. But she should soon have realized that William would get as a possible future king always more attention than his little brother Harry.

Harry should not feel disadvantaged

Because she did not want her younger son ever to feel disadvantaged, Princess Diana went out of his way to give Prince Harry "a little more love and attention" than his brother William.

Fortunately, the deep dichotomy of Lady Diana as a mother probably had no negative impact on her sons. Both Prince William and Prince Harry keep talking about how wonderful Lady Diana was as a mother and how much she loved her.

Video tip: New letters reveal a sad truth about Lady Diana and Prince Charles

Prince William and Prince Harry Remember Princess Diana on 20th Anniversary of Her Death (July 2024).

Princess Diana, Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry