"Where is your tongue?"

"How do we want to be a radiant personality if we do not know what the back of our incisors feels like?" That asks Esther Swiss, communication trainer and trained actress. She speaks well articulated with matching facial expressions and gestures, as trainers do it that way. Only that it does not seem a bit touched or unapproachable. And that's why she can say such sentences and nobody laughs or rolls her eyes. Instead, all palate with their tongues in their mouths and wait for the big rays.

All of them are a group of women of the best age and in the best professions: a dentist, a lawyer, an accountant. Two staff council chairmen, the cultural commissioners of a district. You attend the seminar "Successful communication for women in the job"? and want Esther Schweizer to teach them how to talk in groups, speak better, be perceived, convinced.

Content? No matter!

For the success of a speech, studies have shown, the content is responsible for only seven percent. More important: tone of voice with 38 percent and body language with 55. Conclusion: Anyone who appears confident, his presentation with attitude and voice positively underscores, can tell neat crap. And every content-based presentation is lost if you hide behind the overhead projector with your mouse and hanging shoulders.

Close your eyes and practice

So practice, practice, practice, please: The group rises in a circle and feels with his own tongue the mouth. Then yawns. And stretched. The first jaws crack. Yawning is a relaxing exercise! ", Says Schweizer. And when everyone is calmly back in the circle, she wants to know: "Where is your tongue?" For almost all participants it sticks to the palate. Not nice, because trained tongues are loose and flat in the mouth. But if you are not careful, the tongue wanders from tension like to the palate - and thus makes it difficult to breath and talk.

Next task: buzzing. "Imagine, you eat something delicious." And so they all hum loudly; not that you would not feel weird - buzzing with other adults - but it serves a higher purpose. Listen with me

Now please all compete for lip flutter. That sounds like children playing with the car: brumbrum. Only when it tickles in the nose, you flutter properly. Mrs. Swiss demonstrates it

An important question is always: how loud should or should I talk. If you speak too softly, nobody hears you screaming, but it seems unrestrained, aggressive and also makes you hoarse. In addition, one should feel reasonably comfortable in his skin. Again, the trainer has a tip: Speak. Actors always do, lay people never. First bullying to warm up the vocal cords. Even if it sounds funny

Then practice the first few sentences of the lecture. "Imagine yourself and say aloud: 'Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen.' Again and again - and after a few sentences you can feel how your voice settles down - that is your feel-good volume, and in that you are giving a lecture," says Esther Swiss.

Ideally, you can also enter the room a few minutes before, where the presentation should take place. And you should always use this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the room and the acoustics. Plus, you might want to move the lectern, open the windows, change the light? It's all fine now - and you may be reducing your nervousness by actively shaping your environment.

Say what you mean

A motto to which Esther often encourages Schweizer on this day is "the willingness to internal Yes". Sounds a bit like Scientology, but Mrs. Swiss takes in this seminar somehow everything from and actually she is right: Who does not say yes to his ideas, his salary requirement, his point of view, how to convince someone else? Which is also not to be underestimated: Yes to oneself, courage to the personality - "Make yourself aware of your strength". And then the next exercise: say your own name loud and clear. With everything included. "As you call your name, so much decides - a mumbled '' Stolle 'or a loud, smiling,' Doctor Julia Stolle 'separate worlds". The group tries, some find it difficult to pronounce their name like a jackpot. Is also silly somehow. But everybody came to practice

By the way, it's not easy to mean what you say. Even the usual "warmly welcome ladies and gentlemen" you can mess up - if you count in your mind the audience, angry about the light or considering whether the hairstyle is now sitting. Anyone who tries it will realize how different the ladies and gentlemen sound, if you really want to address them at the moment.

Listen for yourself and here too

That's the way it goes all day long: you say "yes!" And that's the way it is. One imagines oneself without whispering his name. You give a short speech and do not think about the hairstyle. But only to what you have to say. Find his tongue. Bubbles and flutters with his lips. At some point laugh at yourself and the others. And really gets a firmer and more convincing voice.

At 5 pm the women are well done - working on their own, fighting their own habits and being constantly criticized is not a walk. In conclusion, the trainer says that such a seminar with men is not possible: Those are too embarrassed to admit weaknesses in a tongue or jaw loosening in front of a group. Men come to the individual coaching. That's a pity.

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Mouth and Tongue Anatomy Review (May 2024).

Tongue, Rhetoric, Women, Seminar, Communication, Speaking, Lecture, Meeting, Presentation, Help