When will the first snow come?

On December 1st, we open the first door in the Advent calendar, and the meteorological winter begins. According to the weather forecast, this will bring a breeze of cold from Eastern Europe to Germany. The northeast of the country reached the cold current already on Advent weekend.

"In the night of Monday, the air then cools down to 3 to -4 degrees, especially in the mountains, it can also locally a little colder," predicts the German Weather Service. The first snowflakes are expected in eastern Germany.

The past was the fourth warmest winter since the beginning of the weather records in 1881. After failing in many places in terms of snow, we hope that he will be white again this year. We want to trudge again through a powdered world, toboggan with the kids (or even without) and, snuggled up from the sofa, look into a magical white world.

When will the first snow come?

Where and when does the first snow come? We want to know that from you. Is it already on your doorstep white? Or at least on the mountain peaks on the horizon? Report the first snow in the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde community!

Ailee - I Will Go To You Like the First Snow [Yu Huiyeol's Sketchbook / 2017.07.26] (May 2024).

Germany, Advent, snowflake, Eastern Europe, mountain country, when does the first snow arrive