When do we actually lose in relationships? and when too?

We have always suspected that one or two Pfündchen added in a partnership. Scientists from the German Institute for Economic Research have now published a long-term study, with the result that couples in a relationship actually increase. The study examined for the first time the relationships between the change in the relationship stage and the body weight. Almost 21,000 individuals were observed over a period of 16 years.

Konket came out: Couples do not increase in marriage, but already in contracting. And twice as much as in the first four years of marriage. Surprisingly, this result is independent of the age of the person, the state of health or whether they already have children.

But why is it?

According to the study, social influences, such as relationship changes, have been far too little considered when it comes to weight gain. It is not clear from the study that it is precisely the fact that couples usually increase. But the scientists assume that by eating together with the partner, our eating habits change significantly. Together meals are simply more extensive.

Also interesting: Couples who break up lose weight again and end up at their original weight. Behind it is probably the "marriage market hypothesis": It says that singles who are looking for a partner, pay more attention to their figure and appearance.

Do not let it stress you

But do not worry, just because you're contracting with your partner does not mean that you automatically increase. You still control yourself, what and how much you eat. So do not go crazy and just enjoy the great time in the first apartment together.

10 Immature Dating Habits You Need to Lose This Year If You Want to Find Love | Adam LoDolce (May 2024).

Body weight, long-term study