What happens when a mother dresses her adult daughter?

Kristabel Plummer is a fashion editor and fashion blogger, has a weakness for her hometown London and - of course - for fashion. She loves expressing her personality through clothes, trying out new looks and photographing them for her blog. But if you want to be fast in everyday life, Kristabel often resorts to practical basics and lets most of her clothes hang unworn in the closet. "In the home office, I wear the same jeans over and over again, and for meetings and events, I usually stay faithful to five pieces of clothing," the twenty-year-old now reveals in an article on Buzzfeed.

Reason enough to dare an experiment. For a week, Kristabel was styled by her mother to bring fresh air into her wardrobe. A bold decision, after all, Kristabel's mother loves elegant, glamorous looks, while Kristabel's fashion style is casual and unusual. The only condition for the restyling: All parts should come from Kristabel's wardrobe, including of course those that Kristabel had worn rarely or never. And Kristabel's conclusion at the end of the self-study week? Consistently positive. "Everything she chose was hitherto unloved in my closet and I think I'll wear it more often, it's always good to get a new perspective, I've realized how much clothes I've been hearing and have been neatly moped since then It helped a lot that my mother knows my style well and takes into account what I usually wear in my everyday life. "

The four most beautiful looks of the fashion experiment

Kristabel Plummer's most beautiful looks

Parents Read Their Daughters' Tinder Messages (May 2024).

London, fashion blogger, mother, daughter, outfit, mother is attracting daughter