What Europeans love to wear underneath

There are so many different materials, shapes and styles of bras that we really can not decide what we want to wear underneath. But according to a study by Vente-Privee.com together with the social media agency "Linkfluence" and the trend agency "NellyRodi" there are clearly favorites in the respective countries. Over the past three years, they have been researching numerous underwear manufacturers and evaluating the purchasing behavior of Europeans. What we have for different preferences for below? Here are the BH favorites from us Germans and our EU neighbors!

The simple, functional bra:

Is best of German women carried! We want to have it comfortable and a simple form without much frills. Because with the functional bras, we can put on any top, shirt or top over it well, without something pulls or pushes. From the colors we like, according to the study, like black or beige. We feel most comfortable in cotton and microfiber fabrics. This was confirmed by around 53 percent of all Germans. Only now and then do we mix our underwear a little and wear bras with seductive accents.

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