Wedding menu: Festive dinner in seven courses

1st course: Campari cocktail

In addition there's Parmesan bröckchen and smoked almonds. Welcome!

To the recipe: Campari cocktail

2nd course: Three small starters to choose from

Fine snacks at the beginning!

carrots bundle, gratinated delicious with mushroom butter

To the recipe: carrot bundle

Skewered Beef, fruity marinated and with pineapple

To the recipe: meat skewer

Chicory boatfilled with goat's cheese, orange and walnut

To the recipe: chicory boat

3rd course: glass noodle salad with cucumber and melon

Exotic starter - thanks to chili, coriander, Thai basil.

The recipe: glass noodle salad with cucumber and melon

4th course: Three soups to choose from

The mini-portions are served very stylishly in espresso cups.

Clear beetroot soup with star anise

The recipe: Clear beetroot soup

Clear chicken soup with ginger and coriander

The recipe: clear chicken soup

Clear spinach soup with pine nuts

The recipe: Clear spinach soup

5th course: shrimp with three cocktail sauces

Simply classy - with saffron aioli, tomato-chilli sauce and dill cream.

The recipe: shrimp with three cocktail sauces

6th course: Beef fillet with pea, celery and carrot purée

A delicious main course! Shallots make the sauce aromatic.

The recipe: beef fillet with pea, celery and carrot puree

Party roll with sesame and smoked almonds

They go well with all courses - refined, which is here in the dough.

The recipe: party bun with sesame and smoked almonds

7th gear: ire Charlotte

Festive finale: The ice dome is decorated with candles.

To the recipe: Geeiste Charlotte

Alternatives for vegetarians

Among the guests are vegetarians? Here are suggestions for festive dishes without meat - but beware: The recipes are so delicious that one or the other could suddenly become a vegetarian!

Parmesan nut roast with chili chutney

Recipe: Parmesan nut roast with chilli chutney

Pumpkin Lasagna

To the recipe: pumpkin lasagna

4 Recipes for a Tasty Dinner Party (May 2024).

Wedding menu, menu, wedding