VIRUS WARNING: This whatsapp message can hit anyone

Bright uproar among thousands of Whatsapp users across Germany! About the messenger service makes currently a frightening chain letter the round. And this is what he looks like

© Mimikama

But what is behind it?

The website Mimikama, which investigates network phenomena, explains: Nothing is behind it!

Neither is there a Ute teaching or someone who claims to be, nor is there a virus that can "destroy" the hard drive of your cell phone or anything else.

And what is the meaning of this chain letter?

That too remains unclear. Maybe some joke biscuits are just fun to make people afraid.

So, when you get this message, you can sit back and calm - and shake your head. But please do not forward the message - it is really nonsense!

How to create whatsapp virus message?/how to create mobile hang hua kiya virus?/explained/(hindi) (May 2024).

WhatsApp, Germany, virus, chain letter, riot