Unwashed pajamas are the biggest hygiene trap in your bed

The real horror in bed, however, we wear even closer to the body: unwashed pajamas! As an English study of the mattress company Ergoflex revealed, pajamas are not changed as often as they should. Of the 2,500 respondents aged between 18 and 30, men wore their pajamas on average 13 nights, Women even for whole 17 nights ? that's almost three weeks!

Oops, how could that happen?

More than 40% of the surveyed women and 50% of the men stated that they did not change their sleeping clothes as often because she did not smell unpleasant (at least in their own perception). In addition, women justified the irregularity in the laundry with them at changing outfits lost trackhow long they were already wearing the clothes. Men, on the other hand, blamed the blame: because they were not responsible for the laundry, they did just taken what was at hand, Great!

What danger is slumbering in unwashed pajamas?

Professor Sally Bloomfield of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine explains: "The skin is constantly secreting cells that are full of micro-organisms, and we all have skin and intestinal organisms that usually do not harm our skin and gut But if they get in the wrong places, they can cause problems. " By washing our pajamas regularly, we can do the Remove bacteria before they get into wounds or cuts and cause infections there.

But for this to succeed, it is necessary that they hto wash more often than just every two weeks, Namely every 4 to 5 days. Because a single wash will not be enough to remove the bacteria that has accumulated over the course of two weeks. So, grab it a new pajamas tonight out of the wardrobe ? and it's best to set an appointment for the next change.

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Pajama, hygiene, duvet, lacquer