TV Soaps: Richard flirts with "Everything That Counts" with Ines

17:30, RTL: Below us

Paco has made too early to the professional life. The fact that he has become emotionally overwhelmed threatens serious consequences. Larissa keeps insisting on Conor. In a roundabout way, she seems even to succeed with the tactic. Benedikt wakes up drunk on his couch after his lovesick attack. The situation is more than embarrassing, especially as he can not remember anything.

18:05, RTL II: Cologne 50667

Jule still can not believe that Marc got together with Lea while she was in a coma. It is impossible that he does not love her anymore! She feels lonely and confused as she still has forgotten most of her memories. When she is then confronted by Lea and Marc with the whole truth and learns of Lea's past, she has no choice but to accept the idea that the world has turned on without her.

19:05 clock, RTL II: Berlin - day & night

In the morning, Peggy gets a fight between Basti and Isabella. He wants to pay her less. But that does not taste Isabella, she resorts to blackmail: There are only two options, either she gets the required amount or he can do his own crap. Peggy is sorry for Basti, so she makes him offer to take over Isabella's next lesson. So he has air to provide for replacement.

19:05 clock, RTL: All that matters

Richard realizes that contract negotiations with Amalie's manager are difficult. Friederike comes up with the idea that Richard should let his charm play. However, only Damian knows which antivenin Finn can save. Therefore, Pauline decides to get involved in a dangerous game. Michelle convinces Marie to cancel Moritz. When he reacts irritated, she suggests that he form a team with him.

19:40, RTL: Good times, bad times

Alexander is preparing for his move soon. At the Halloween party, Maren over-transfers her feelings and she gets closer to Alexander. When Alexander defends himself against his feelings, an argument ensues, which leads to labor. Nicole holds her program through. She goes to the Halloween party in the clubhouse, where she notices a man who always looks over to her. She takes her heart and addresses Nicholas.

Kentucky Kristin Calander Pictures (May 2024).

GZSZ, RTL, RTL II, Cologne, TV Soaps, GZSZ, Unter uns, Everything that matters, Berlin - Day & Night