TV Soaps: Conor wants to renounce Eva in "Unter uns"

14:10, the first: red roses

Ben was dumbfounded when Anne told him that his workshop would be terminated by Torben. With a heavy heart, she wants to avoid Ben, so as not to cause trouble for Torben. But then the mutual attraction wins. Hilli is speechless when Frank returns from Travemünde - in the outfit of an eternal teenager. Now she is quite determined to take care of herself. When Frank learns that Hilli has sold the classic car "Björn", he gets upset.

15:10, the first: storm of love

While Annabelle is on the trail of the secret between André and Werner, André already has a new secret mission. Does Tina see through his manipulation attempts or will she fall into his trap? Natasha and Michael have a longing. When they visit Romy and Paul, however, their hope is suddenly disappointed. After a fierce argument Christoph has disappeared. Eva must fear that something has happened to him.

17:30, RTL: Below us

Tobias is to be fetched from the artificial coma, but does not wake up. When all attempts to wake him up fail, Vivien has a fancy idea. Benedict learns about the bug. Realizing that now his will-deceit could fly up, he does everything he can to prevent it. Conor confesses to his father that he had an affair with a married woman. He recognizes in Tills reaction that he has to leave Eva behind.

19:05 clock, RTL: All that matters

Steffi smiles at Ingo's jealousy. When she sees the dream woman who bought Ingo's services, however, that puts a heavy blow to her. Meanwhile, Isabelle demonstratively distances herself from Finn. But when Sophia gets hurt, she is forced to ask him for help. Meanwhile, Simone learns that Henry has the same allergy as Niclas. She is afflicted by a terrifying fear.

19:40, RTL: Good times, bad times

Emily and Lilly inaugurate Gerner in Sunny's supposed drug problem. Together they try to get Sunny to intervene with help. Sunny realizes that nobody believes her anymore. She decides to take a surprising step. Robert senses that Felix has needs for speech. Without further ado, he signs a date with Nina to keep him company. It's starting a new friendship.

Eva wants to drop the charges on Johnny Coronation Street (May 2024).

GZSZ, RTL, Travemünde, TV Soaps, Red Roses, Storm of Love, Among Us, All That Counts, GZSZ