Tongue kiss: This is the perfect moment

The special feature of the tongue kiss

Sooner or later, there will be a magical moment in every relationship. This moment when simple kissing is still nice, but both want more. Then, ladies, the time has come: Time for the first kiss with our sweetheart!

That a tongue kiss something very intimate is, we hardly have to explain. To put someone else's tongue in someone else's mouth who otherwise haunts their existence (unless we exaggerate the "th" when we speak English)? this already includes one good portion of love and trust (or especially big lust ...). But no pressure! After all, kisses are not yet a marriage vow or sex. And even if the first kiss with tongue in the pants, your relationship will certainly not break. Rather, then speaks a lot for that youtogether diligently practicing and kisses you from now on more often!

STEP by STEP how to KISS Someone | How to French kiss AMAZINGLY | Best Kisser Guide 2019 !! (May 2024).

Sex, smooching