This is the "unflattered truth"!

Make-up has become an elementary part of many women's everyday lives nowadays. It looks up, hides it, it gives self-assurance. On the other hand, the trend towards a pure look is growing: celebrities who post "no-make-up selfies", unvarnished models on catwalks and make-up palettes in nude colors so as not to appear made-up. The cosmetics brand Vichy has also taken on this topic - with its new campaign "Unvarnished truth".

More self-confident in dealing with everything that is different

Already last year, the viral hit "Camo Confessions" was released on YouTube in the USA. The idea behind it: Before the camera, people with a seemingly perfect complexion made off bit by bit. Apparent blemishes came to light, such as the white spot disease vitiligo, severe acne or extreme tattoos. The protogonists of the US campaign were already or were known faces such as "zombie boy" Rick Genest or the model Cassandra Bankson. In the current German version, three people - Romi, Maren and Sebastian - show their "unflattered truth". Not least, they are leading the noticeable change in society towards a new self-confidence in dealing with everything that is different.

Romi works as a model. Your capital? A flawless appearance. Since her first pregnancy, the young woman suddenly suffers from acne. Nobody could help her so far. In this video, she tells very movingly about her destiny - completely without a concealing foundation. A big step for the young mother. On the one hand, this feels liberating and should also give others courage. Nevertheless, Romi admits that she sometimes needs a break. A make-up break.

In the other two videos Maren, hotel receptionist with Vitiligo and the fully tattooed Sebastian share their stories. All the protagonists stand for the motto of the campaign: "Blanket whatever you want to cover, show whatever you want to show." Under the hashtag "#UngeschminkteWahrheit" we from the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde team show us without make-up. And you, are you doing too?

Photo gallery with WOW factor:

Before-after hairstyles: Wow, you look pretty damn good!

The Unflattering truth about Venice - WARNING! You can't handle the truth! (May 2024).

Vichy, USA, youtube, camera, unadorned, unvarnished truth, camo confessions, vichy, vichy dermablend, no make up, no make up