• May 19, 2024

These two doctors claim: "Even women have a morning slat"

Pussy, hymen, PMS, vulva, vagina, clitoris, G-spot ... we women know everything inside out, right? That's not true! That's the experience of the Norwegian doctors Nina Brochmann and Ellen Støkken Dahl. That's why they wrote the book "Viva la Vagina! - All about the female sex".

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde.com: Is the vagina so complex that you have to devote a whole book to it?

Nina Brochmann and Ellen Støkken Dahl: Definitely! And our experience shows that people know little about it. For example, many believe that the clitoris is just a small bump. In truth, it is much larger, anatomically not unlike the penis. The clitoris also consists of erectile tissue, so that women also get erections. Not only when they are excited, but also spontaneously at night and especially in the morning. Just like men, we get a morning slat!

On your blog? Underlivet? ("Abdomen"), you mainly get questions from women who want to know: 'Am I normal, do I feel normal, do I look normal?' Where does this uncertainty come from?

Uncertainty is often the result of a lack of knowledge. If we do not realize that outflow is normal, it irritates us. If we do not know that vulvas can look very different, the look of our genitals can confuse us. Many women also believe that their sex should not smell, and they are afraid that the smell could deter potential partners. But healthy vulvies smell. The vulva is a body part with sweat glands, and we should not be ashamed of our physiology.

Why are female genitals still shameless?

Because female sexuality has no priority in medicine, education or everyday conversation. Some women whisper when they ask another woman for a tampon. Others are too ashamed to even ask. This is so sad, considering that menstruation is a normal process. Shame is a terrible feeling and it should be our right to free ourselves from it.

Shame is a terrible feeling and it should be our right to free ourselves from it.

How can women learn to talk more openly about their body and their sexuality?

Using medical knowledge and statistics as a basis to talk about sex makes it easier to be open without becoming too personal. This allows women to use the facts in our book to discover and articulate their sexual needs.

They want to provide women with knowledge. Are not we more enlightened than ever?

It could be, but it is not enough. Because scientific information about female sexuality is so meager, women rely on rumors or rogue information. For example, the myths about virginity and hymen still bind tight women around the world. People believe that a woman would have to bleed at first sex, with only about half of the women and girls bleeding. We deserve to know how we work, and most of us still have questions.

Despite internet and sex education lessons at school?

At school, we learn about reproduction, but we learn nothing about how we feel about ourselves and others. Especially women should be encouraged to masturbate more often, as masturbation can greatly improve their sex life. Female masturbation is still taboo, and we want to change that.

Is there actually a charming name for the vagina in Norwegian?

We like that the term? Mus? for the vulva, so mouse. This is actually vulgar, but we want to occupy the word positively. If you say the word "mouse"? hear, you have immediately a curious, cute creature in mind. And it can be tempting to stroke her.

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