These are the 4 best diets that experts recommend

Good diets are characterized by three qualities: you do not starve, you do not need nutritional supplements, and you do not eat one-sidedly. However, many weight loss programs are aimed exactly at what may ultimately lead to the undesirable yo-yo effect or deficiency symptoms. The following four diets have proven to be promising.

Low Carb Diet: Slim without Carbs

The low-carbohydrate diet has recently been hailed by Harvard University scientists as the only truly working method to lose weight over the long term. With this weight-loss form, your carbohydrates are deleted from the daily diet, especially in the evening. The reason: Carbohydrates are converted by the body into sugar, the blood sugar level rises. This in turn ensures that the organism produces insulin, which in turn inhibits fat burning.

The low-carbohydrate diet achieves results quite quickly and does not attack muscle mass due to its high protein content. However, you should be careful not to consume too much protein and meat. Important are plenty of vegetables, fruits, some protein, but less fat. Here you can find delicious low carb recipes.

Clean Eating: cooking fresh and healthy

For clean eating, fast food, ready meals and sugar and white flour products are prohibited. Instead, this nutritional concept attaches importance to a healthy and balanced diet. This means that you use unprocessed and fresh food for cooking. If you want to eat "clean", you should take time for cooking and cook for the office.

In addition to the obligatory breakfast, this diet provides six small snacks for the day. In this way, the metabolism should be constantly boosted and the feeling of satiety increased. There are no dangerous food cravings. Meals are based on a combination of low-fat proteins (fish, poultry) and complex carbohydrates (whole grains). In addition, the body is supplied with plenty of fruits and vegetables and unsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in olive oil, nuts and avocados.

Slimming according to the glyx principle

The glyx principle has proven to be a very promising method of losing weight. But what is behind the Glyx diet? The Glycemic Index describes how much a food raises blood sugar. When the sugar level rises, a lot of insulin is also released, which promotes the storage of fat in the body. For example, sugars or carbohydrates may contain a high glyx.

But beware: You should not be too one-sided to the index, because fat and protein-rich diet, although a low glyx, but the blood lipids are driving up. As with all functioning diets: vegetables, fruits and whole grains are the foundation of the diet. So the body is well supplied with fiber that will fill you up for a long time and even protect you from getting colon cancer.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet: Healthy and long term lose weight

The ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet is one of the healthiest ways to lose weight and maintain weight. At the heart of the diet are the balanced and quick recipes that are prepared quickly and with low calories. The great thing about this weight loss treatment: There are no prohibitions, everything is allowed - as long as the amount is right.

The calorie input is around 1200 kilocalories a day. This may not sound very good, but it is enough to fill you up with plenty of meals. Anyone who does sports can add another 200 kilocalories to their daily diet.

You have questions? Here you will find answers about the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde diet.

Food and Nutrition Science | Swami Ramdev (May 2024).