The right to a bad mood

Out of the blue she came by on a Tuesday. I did not pay much attention to her. On Thursday she disguised herself as a louse and ran over my liver. On Saturday she hogged me the parsley, so I could not ignore her. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I asked. "I'm in a bad mood and live with you now," she said.

"No need," I mumbled.

"Do not say that," my bad mood answered confidently.

In the next few days, I was annoying friends and colleagues as a sissy. Whoever could, avoided me. Who could not, tried to cheer me up: Think positive! Do sports! Read a nice book!

Suddenly the bad mood knocks on

Good-humored are the hell for the bad-tempered. Anyone who is tired of it, not only does not feel like enjoying life. He knows that life is inedible. At least now. Because the diet does not help.

Because there is too much misery in the world. Because the man and the child are annoying. Because you can not even say that you're in a bad mood because you have your days. Because you do not have your days anymore. There are so many reasons for a bad mood that I wonder why not all the world is constantly nagging.

Naggling is uncool. It's good to be in good shape!

If you ask somebody how he is doing, the simple answer "good" is no longer enough. We say today: "Best." Or: "All right!" How can everything ever be clear? We obsessively enjoy every moment - as if it were the last one? We are determined to do our best - but what is it? And anyone who does not manage life "easy going" can read in a thousand guidebooks how ill-temper is disappearing. Why does she have to disappear? And where?

"Very good questions," said my bad mood, which had meanwhile settled down at home with me. We slept in a bed, we got up in the morning with the wrong foot at the same time. We complained about everything and everyone. And, of course, we went shopping together for a lot of things that God knows I did not need. My bad mood grinned satisfied.

Psychologists advise to deal with his feelings

Psychologists advise to deal with his feelings in order to recognize them. Sounds smart. If a misunderstanding just flies to you, you do not have to fathom it. I already understood that my grumpy roommate would not volunteer to leave the field. So I would name her so she feels taken seriously. After all, that's a matter of courtesy. I did not have to think twice about baptizing my bad temper in the name of Hermione. Do not ask me why. Hermione did not ask either and left me alone for the rest of the day.

Everyone can blase trouble. Always. However, you needed an instrument earlier. In Christian mythology, the time before the end of the world was announced with seven trumpets, so that the people knew what was about to flower. The global downfall did not take place, the appropriate mood remained. But instead of continuing to publicly proclaim the great and the small misery, if not with trombones, then at least with timpani and trumpets, today we grieve silently and secretly. The old image of the louse that ran down our lungs vaguely reminds us that the liver was once considered the seat of emotions. Feelings fluctuate. Feelings are moody.

Bad mood is like the moon

"Mood" comes from "Luna" (Latin for moon), and the moon comes and goes. Moods too. That's how you can see that. Or so:

The ability to regard the world today as beautiful and tomorrow as moronic seems innate. Babies sometimes whine for no apparent reason. At least they are still being hugged and comforted. After all, they can not say yet what does not suit them. With the consolation, it will eventually be over, if the child is lousy on it. What do you want, can not you finally give rest, be nice, play well? Demand the exasperated parents. The child can not do it and throws around with blocks and screams. If you see frustrated, screaming and tramping children in the playground or at the cash register in the supermarket, you can imagine how much energy can be put behind a bad mood. Do you always have to put your head through? Said mum and dad, and that sounds like a reproach.

When I understand the reason for you, you become redundant

If one has at some point stopped listening to his head (or stomach or heart), if one has forgotten his wishes because they are uncomfortable to the environment, then the bad mood remains as the stale and incomprehensible remnant of violent feelings. Actually, one is dissatisfied, angry or sad. Actually, you have to change something and do not know how. You do not want to admit that.So the bad mood becomes a downplaying disguise that you do not have to take so seriously.

All attention, said Hermione, my bad temper, to me. You start to understand me. That may not be in your interest, I said. If I understand the reason for you, you may become redundant.

Do not worry, Hermione said, then I'm looking for another victim.

As a reward for my detective work, Hermione first allowed me a visit to the cinema and then a meal in a restaurant with a friend. She would be guaranteed to stay at home with me and not mess up my evening. It was like that in the end.

Bad mood is well informed

In a good mood you can better think about bad mood. It must make sense that most people know disagreements well. From the perspective of evolutionary biologists supposedly bad feelings like pessimism, sadness and gloom are quite useful. Negative and positive emotions serve as a guidepost for optimal survival. Doomsayers assume that everything goes wrong. Ideally, they better protect themselves against failure. Anyone who details all the risks of an impending situation can also plan more effectively to prevent disappointment. Happy and euphorically tuned people, on the other hand, are so convinced that they will do the best out of everything, that they run the risk of falling into the next trap blindfolded with pink glasses.

Optimism is just a lack of information. Say skeptics. Doubt, do not make a good mood, but they raise the attention. Anger makes you feel that you do not have to endure everything in life without complaint.

Bad mood has nothing to do with depression

In depression, the soul falls into a chasm. In a bad mood, she is just snuffed. Although this does not feel good, it has one advantage: the others stay at a distance. Risk of infection. Finally, you can take a break from the demands of an environment that focuses exclusively on success and performance.

For all the modern promise of happiness and the aspiration to see everything positive, we have forgotten that life is a mixture of happiness and melancholy. The art is to find a balance between the two states of mind. The soul reacts to what you encounter. But today we expect her and us to see the best in everything. But what sense can it be if we are no longer allowed to feel bad in situations where it would be appropriate? We would only see our bad feelings as proof of our personal failure: unable to enjoy life no matter how it is. This is not only out of touch with reality, it also makes for a bad mood.

Hermione is gone. No idea, since when exactly. I would not say that I miss her. But interesting were the days with her already. I call a friend. No, she does not want to go for a walk with me. No, she does not like cinema. Yes, life is so stale. And anyway. That's when I realize where Hermione is now.

Joyce Meyer Defeating Bad Moods (May 2024).

Regina Kramer, mood, listlessness