The flu shot offers little protection this winter? what to do?

What's wrong with the vaccine?

Every year, the question of the flu shot comes up again. This must be renewed before each flu season, because there are always other strains of viruses in circulation. Each spring, WHO sets a new vaccine cocktail, which it believes works best.

This time, the experts were obviously wrong, because the vaccine against three different viral strains administered so far proves to be less effective: Against a virus that currently infects humans, are included in the triple vaccine no antigens.

Therefore, the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) has now updated its recommendations and advises doctors to use a quadruple vaccine containing the necessary antigens.

Should I get vaccinated at all?

If you count to the risk group and have not yet been vaccinated, you should definitely catch up - but then with the quadruple vaccine. Because the commission recently recommends this more expensive vaccine, the health insurance companies now have to pay for it.

The risk groups include the Standing Vaccination Commission for people over the age of 60, the chronically ill (such as diabetics), pregnant women and medical staff.

In January, it is not too late for a vaccine. Experts assume that the flu epidemic, as in the past few years, is still waiting for us.

What to do if I have already been vaccinated?

If you count to the risk group and have already been vaccinated with the triple vaccine, you should discuss with your doctor whether a vaccination with the quadruple vaccine makes sense.

What do we have to expect this year?

Last season, the flu epidemic in Germany was particularly intense. Almost 3.5 million people were unable to work due to influenza, and around 30,000 patients even had to go to hospital.

4 Things You Should Know About Flu Shots (May 2024).

Influenza vaccine, flu outbreak