The best tips for more energy in everyday life

Habit: That brings energy

Ignore trends: Vietnamese is the new home cooking, yoga still hipper than running. But they like to eat meatloaf with dumplings and play for years in the sports club handball. Great! Because it is important to know what you really like.

Few rituals: For example, never without a kiss from the house, and on the wedding day organized one evening, in the morning's first coffee in bed. Such loving habits strengthen love - because they show that this is only for us two!

Habit: That robs energy

Duration whining: We complain about the same thing for years, annoy us about the dull everyday life, the exhausting relationship, the stupid girlfriend - but we do not change it either. Only an honest inventory helps. And then: "Love it, change it or leave it."

Quäl rituals: Every morning the alarm clock annoys every morning. Try new processes until the one with the greatest feel-good factor is found. For example: put the alarm clock fifteen minutes earlier and drink the coffee with time and leisure.

Departure: That brings energy

Life check: If you want to change something, you need to know where you stand. Coaches therefore recommend taking stock of every three months and writing down what point we are in: What is good? What's wrong? What should change? What goals have we set ourselves?

Lecture series in own thing: What can you? What are your special advantages? And what will life do for you? Hold a lecture in your own right before the mirror! Sounds a bit strange, but it works.

Departure: That robs energy

Black Paint: That never works! I'm too bad for that! Such beliefs can maw so deep into our soul that they eventually become reality. So: away with it!

Pointless biting: If projects fail again and again, it's time to wonder if the goal is too big. Ambition is basically good, but false ambition is destructive.

Alone: ​​That brings energy

Empty the head: It is best to meditate. But it takes practice and a good guide, z. Through courses offered by community colleges or yoga centers.

Watch the breath: While sitting down, lying down and standing, put your hands on your stomach and just feel for a few breaths how the air comes and goes. It is best to inhale and exhale through the nose. And this is how it works: breathe in slowly, pause briefly, then consciously and as long as possible let your breath go, take a short break, inhale slowly and deeply, exhale.

Alone: ​​That robs you of energy

The TV: banal, but true. If you lie in bed for almost every night for months - too lazy, too tired - it's time to take stock. What really stops you from regaining your mind and going among people?

The wrong concept of living: Not everyone gets to live alone. WGs are no longer founded by students, but by people of all ages. A good option for those who do not have a partner, work a lot and / or do not have a large circle of friends. Because this is how connectedness arises in everyday life.

Contact: That brings energy

Time together: Of course it's nice to always be in the pack. But the small plant affection thrives especially if you spend exclusive time with someone - no matter if you are a partner or a friend.

To broaden the horizon: Jiu-Jitsu martial art? East African art? Modern Dance? What did you always want to know? In Internet forums, you can easily contact, if nobody in the circle of friends shares your special interest. One way: the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde community.

Contact: That robs energy

Duration Nerver: Neighbors who often use our babysitting services. Jammertüten who constantly complain of their fate. Such people do not do well, but drain energy!

No limits: To meet people only out of compassion or because no one else is there - that will not work in the long run. Friendship is always based on reciprocity: on voluntary, generous affection and honest interest.

Relaxation: That brings energy

Vini Yoga: Yoga classes are now available everywhere. However, if you have not found what you are looking for, perhaps you are in good hands with the Vini Yoga, because this yoga form is very responsive to the needs of the individual. More at

Childhood: Just let it into the day, do nothing, let the thoughts wander: Children can do it. Just give it a try. No appointments and no phone for a day - and just look where life and lust for life go.

Relaxation: That robs you of energy

Frustration amplifier: The more negatively we judge a situation, the more it weighs on us. As soon as we get annoyed about noise or too much work or the boss, it gets annoying even more. Therefore it is worthwhile to accept unavoidable stress situations as given. And to offer a reward when they are over.

Perfectionism: Still a little better, nicer, faster - people who want to do everything optimally suffer more from headaches, anxiety and depression.

Movement: That brings energy

More power: Would you like to progress in a sport? Then it is most effective to train more frequently (for example, twice a week instead of once), then longer (thirty minutes instead of twenty), and only then to train for speed. This is how ligaments, tendons and joints gently get used to the new strain.

Find the right one: Veteran, adventurer or loner? Sport is type thing. A fresh-air fan may atrophy during indoor swimming, a group animal is bored with lonely jogging. Trying out - and pay attention to the fun factor!

Movement: That robs energy

Extreme Power: Once a week, but excessively - in professional circles such athletes are called "weekend warriors". And they score much worse in the health statistics than people who only move a bit, but every day.

Asceticism: That brings energy

Fasting in everyday life and on your own? With the ChroniquesDuVasteMonde fasting program that can work well and be really fun. Important: Be sure to check it out beforehand, from a medical point of view.

Check expenses: As good as it sounds, a household book works wonders. How much do I spend on coffee to go? How much for cigarettes? Quickly brings the waiver monthly more in the wallet - after three months, maybe enough for a weekend trip.

Daily Monastery: Reflecting on simple values ​​promotes wellbeing. How about five minutes each day deliberately silent.

Asceticism: That robs energy

Unrealistic goals: More than 40 percent of Germans make good resolutions every year. Many do not hold her. The reason: brachial methods. The head wants to be seduced to new habits. For example: Only two evenings per week of wine - then we can decide for ourselves how to split the waiver.

Force: There are people who force themselves permanently to extreme renunciation. In the worst case, the diet can turn into an eating disorder. Certainly too much joie de vivre is lost.

Enjoyment: That brings energy

Not only people with mental disorders profit from the approaches of the "little school of enjoyment". They are pretty simple:

Enjoyment takes time! An emotional state, especially a positive one, must be able to develop.

Enjoyment must be allowed! "Work before pleasure"? Please do not! We should always give ourselves permission to do good - without "earning" it.

Enjoyment does not go by the way! A glass of red wine when washing, a quick ham sandwich when surfing the Internet: no.

Less is more! And by no means: the more, the better.

Choosing what is good for you! Not all people do the same in every situation. Therefore: try it.

No experience without experience! Enjoy a wine through and through, know what music we really like: with such experiences you should experiment again and again.

Enjoyment: That robs you of energy

Pausenfüller: Not with every quick snack we can "fill up on energy". If we take the break that we need, growling your stomach a little longer - that, as studies show, refines the sense of taste and enhances the enjoyment!

Monotony: Instinctively, always grabbing the same cheese in the bar, constantly the same spaghetti, never another yogurt - how dull. Even taste buds want to be stimulated.

How To Be More Happy, Healthy, Motivated, & Successful! (May 2024).

Power source, energy, stress, work-life balance, power sources