The 10 safest countries in the world (Germany is not included)

More strife in the world - also in ours

The conflicts are increasing, also in our world: In Turkey tourists are imprisoned because they are suspected to have spoken in the social media against President Erdo? An. Terrorist attacks have occurred in several Western European countries - and nationalist currents are fueling popular discontent.

The Institute for Economics and Peace? based in Sydney has now published the "Global Peace Index 2018". The annual ranking makes statements on the security situation in 163 countries of the world. The study concluded that the world has become 0.27 percent less peaceful than it was a year ago.

For the ranking, the institute assessed the individual countries according to factors such as: internal and international conflicts, terrorist threat, violent crime, access to weapons or relations with neighboring states. Unsurprisingly, Europe is considered the safest region on earth.

Top Ten: The safest countries on earth

  1. Iceland
  2. New Zealand
  3. Austria
  4. Portugal
  5. Denmark
  6. Canada
  7. Czech Republic
  8. Singapore
  9. Japan
  10. Ireland

For the past ten years Iceland has been able to enjoy the first place in terms of security and peace. Germany only made it to 17th place? like last year. That's the same with Hungary.

Other popular holiday destinations come in the following places:

12. Switzerland
13. Australia
14. Sweden
27. Croatia
30. Spain
38. Italy
57. Great Britain
61. France

The fact that Great Britain and France have failed so far is mainly due to the accumulation of terrorist attacks in recent years. Spain only came in 30th? because of unresolved conflicts with the Catalans.

The complete report can be found under Vision of Humanity

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This Is The Safest Country In The World (May 2024).
