That's why men have up to 7 hours more free time per week than women

That men make more money, okay. That they have more power, is also to cope. But at leisure - the fun really stops!

Unfortunately, that is exactly the case, according to a British study. As the Office for National Statistics found out, do men have? at least in the UK? up to seven hours more free time each week than women. Seven hours in which they can meet with friends, pursue their hobbies and develop their personality ...

The reason? Just depressing ...

How can that be, one may ask oneself now. Do men live in a parallel universe where the days are longer? Do you do less overtime, or can you back up your way to work, supermarkets and more?

No, the answer is much depressing: According to the study, men simply take on less household tasks, child rearing and other unpaid living. And so much less that they gain up to seven hours of quality lifetime every week in some regions.

As if that was not bad enough, men still waste time with stuff like video games and football. Women use their precious free time? on average just 38 hours - but for the important things in life like meeting friends and other social activities (people are social beings !!).

According to the study, women between the ages of 25 and 34 have the least time for themselves? They can spend just 4 hours and 46 minutes a day free. If you subtract from that the time it takes to switch from work to leisure stay - depending on the type and character - between 0 and 4.5 hours ...

Germany shows a similar picture

What has brought the UK authority to the aspect of leisure, examined the Hans Böckler Foundation for unpaid working time for Germany last year? And the numbers are similarly frightening: On average, German women perform lukewarm tasks for 3 hours a day for 29 minutes, while men invest just 2 hours 8 minutes of their time in unpaid jobs.

However, the average woman also spends less time "on (paid) work", which is why the actual free time can not be deduced so easily.

I can not take men who call their work in the household "help" seriously.

? Oggi (@missoggi) 26th August 2017

Either way, it's just shocking that there's still so much left over from the 1950s cramping on the stove. Not only, because unpaid work does not pay into our pension. Our lifetime is just too limited and precious to sacrifice to a gender cliché.

We all have only ONE life (except, of course, we are Hinduists). Give is something beautiful? but giving away time because we have a particular gender should cause feelings of pain in us. Women have the same right to healthy selfishness as men. Point!

So, dear machos, time's up! Make friends with fishnets and diapers. Women have better things to do than household!

How to gain control of your free time | Laura Vanderkam (May 2024).