That's what you should do when your phone has fallen into the water

© cha cha cha studio / shutterstock

Careful, danger to life: A small involuntary trip into the water can mean the end for your mobile phone. And in the truest sense. Most phones do not have built-in water protection yet. If your smartphone joins this squad, quick and proper action is your only chance to save the device.

If the mishap has taken its course, you should first turn off your phone as soon as possible. If there is a possibility to remove the battery, you should do it afterwards in any case. Now it is time to dampen the dampness: At first, it is best to carefully absorb the moisture with a tissue first.

Attention: Do not connect your mobile phone to the power supply! Make sure that you press as few buttons as possible, otherwise the fluid may spread to other areas of the device. Did your phone have contact with other sticky liquids or chlorine and salt water? Then it is advisable to rinse the device with distilled water before drying in order to prevent corrosion damage in the best possible way.

Now it's drying: Put your phone in a container with rice for several days: It should be at least two days, up to five days would be better. Ideally, you can store the open case and the battery separately. The magic word for a smooth drying process is patience - the device should not be moved or intermittently turned on. In the worst case, this can worsen the water damage.

Please also do without experiments with the hair dryer, the oven or other household appliances - temperatures over 40 degrees harm your cell phones more than to help with the repair!

With a bit of luck, your smartphone will work flawlessly after a few quiet days in the rice bath - of course, your success depends on how long the trip to the cool water lasted and how previous damage affects the "healing process".

We keep our fingers crossed that you will never be able to put your (technology) luck to the test!

What to Do If Your Phone Falls In Water? (May 2024).

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