Sylvie Meis: So much work she puts into her appearance

How does Sylvie Meis (40) do it all? The 40-year-old is not only a successful designer and model, currently she is also seen on TV with her own show "Sylvies Dessous Models" and on the side of Dieter Bohlen (64) in the talent show "Das Supertalent". Not to mention, the full-time job as the mother of a 12-year-old son.

But wherever she appears, the native Dutch woman always thrills fans and photographers with her beaming smile. She once again proved that in Hamburg. There, the all-rounder was introduced on Wednesday as a brand ambassador of Regulatpro Hyaluron. The perfect opportunity to elicit a few beauty secrets from Meis.

How do you manage to always look so perfect?

Sylvie Meis: Nobody is perfect, not even me! Every day I strive to be the best possible version of myself - whether visually or mentally. I think every woman should be worth the effort to spend time on her own, her mental and physical health and her care. It is important to me to treat my body well, whether it is through a healthy and balanced diet, or through sport and care from inside and outside. For me, this is part of the daily routine. When one is satisfied with oneself, one automatically shows that to the outside and is perceived as sympathetic and radiant.

What was the nicest compliment you have ever received?

Meis: Of course, I'm happy when I'm described as pretty, glamorous or radiant! These are wonderful compliments that of course, like any other woman, are good for me. My favorite compliment is always when my son tells me that he is proud of me as a mother and on my job.

Which beauty tips do you swear by?

Meis: Beauty is, in my opinion, a combination of several rituals. Beauty comes from within and shows itself to the outside. Good nutrition and sports are my basic requirements. For the support from inside, I swear by the anti-aging beauty drink Regulatpro Hyaluron by Dr. med. Niedermaier. I drink it daily. When it comes to beauty drinks, I advise everyone to be very precise with the ingredients and the quality to deal with. Almost all contain preservatives and sweeteners. Generally, I pay attention to chemical-free skincare. That's especially important to me! I also try to drink up to two liters of water a day, creams myself well and rich, occasionally make scrubs for face and body and also regularly use eye and face masks with glow effect.

Christmas approaches in big steps: What tips do you have for the perfect Christmas look?

Meis: Again, there is not the "perfect" look - every person is different. One is more athletic, the next more comfortable. Others want to be glamorous or sexy. The "perfect" look depends on your own type. It's "perfect" when you feel good. An important tip from me: At Christmas, the outfit should not be cut too tight. After cookies, mulled wine, roast, etc., we still all still want to feel comfortable, without it squeezes and pinches.

Millions of women envy you for your dream body. How often do you do sports during the week and what sport do you enjoy doing?

Meis: Thanks! Yes, but I also really have to work very hard for my body. I do sports five or six times a week. Two or three times a week with my personal trainer. I pay close attention to my diet and abstain from saturated carbohydrates, sugar and alcohol.

What are your best workout tips?

Meis: It always depends on your own type. For me personally it is a combination of cardio, strength exercises, boxing and high intensity training. I always have to provide my body with the necessary variety so that it reacts to the training and thus faster results can be recognized.

What do you find most beautiful about yourself?

Meis: My stomach, because I really work very hard for it.

Is there something about your body that you are not satisfied with?

Meis: Does not every woman have that? Of course, a body can not be completely perfect. But this motivates me rather than making me dissatisfied. If I notice something that I think needs optimization, I'll focus my sports program on that and I'll be all the happier to get results.

How disciplined are you in terms of nutrition?

Meis: Very! I do not forbid anything. I stick to the 5: 2 rule. Five days a week I eat very disciplined. Sugar, alcohol and unhealthy carbohydrates are then deleted. On the other two days, I treat myself to what I feel like. Since I'm a big chocolate fan, it usually comes down to it.But I really enjoy that too! I think nobody should forbid something. It is your own decision when to eat something and how to reward your body.

Do you make Christmas an exception or do you miss sweets during the festive season?

Meis: Of course, the Christmas season is an absolute exception, even for me. A Christmas party chases the next one - everywhere you can see biscuits and stollen. Christmas is the time to enjoy, you should not miss it. From the 27th of December onwards, it still means "Back on track": During sports, I'll do the extra round again.

How will you spend Christmas this year?

Meis: As every year, my son and I will travel to Holland for the family. My brother is an excellent cook and provides us with fantastic delicacies every year. There is a lot of talk, laughter, singing and eating every year. I love the Christmas time with my family!

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Sylvie Meis, Christmas, Dieter Bohlen, casting show, Hamburg, Sylvie Meis, Beauty, Sport, Nutrition, Christmas