Swimming for the bikini figure - with training plan

Swimming has many advantages: in the water, our bodies only have to cope with one-seventh of their actual weight. The training thus protects the bones and joints, but at the same time trains the entire muscles. The back is made strong for everyday life. And the water pressure strengthens the respiratory muscles, reduces cellulite and varicose veins. Because you rarely make the mistake of running in the water too fast and too fast, swimming is also a great condition training - whether you are swimming in the breast or crawling or pulling your tracks on your back. Just a few tricks and tips you should know:

Bring the breath into a rhythm

More important than the type of swimming is the right breathing technique. A change from inhalation to water and exhalation underwater ensures a steady rhythm and adequate oxygenation. Exhale under water consciously, possibly even with nose and mouth. The inhalation is not without crawling especially: The head does not make a complete turn, it just tilts to the side. At the same time you bring air. To fi nd a quiet rhythm, it is best to breathe after three strokes.

To be very long

During crawl and backstroke, the muscles along the spine are well trained. The trick here: with each arm pull the hand is pushed far forward, until the armpit and on the body longitudinal side a slight tension is felt. This gives the hull the necessary body tension for a good water position. The right and left rotation of the upper body rotates with each forward movement of the arm around the spine. The positive effect: The entire trunk is stabilized and trained. The first time you try out the crawler technique, the idea of ​​pulling the body over a long bench with each arm pull helps. In backstroke a relaxed head posture with a view obliquely upwards facilitates the water situation. The most effective is the training, if you change the technique more often during swimming.

A fixed goal in mind

And one more thing: In the water one forgets easily enough to drink. You do not even notice that you're sweating. Always bring a (plastic) bottle to the edge of the pool and drink regularly during breaks and after training. Going sober or swimming four to five hours after the last meal - this boosts fat metabolism. But pack a banana into the bag afterwards, because food cravings are dangerous on the way to the destination. This is secretly long ago, right? Imagine, the outdoor season starts and you go out with a bikini figure. It could not be better. With our training plan, this can be achieved by April. And the jump into the cold water costs only the first time overcoming. Promised.

start jumping

Track counting is not enough if the swimming lesson is to become the new fitness program. Stephanie Fahnemann, sports scientist and swimming instructor from Hamburg (www.sportundevents.de), has developed a training plan for ChroniquesDuVasteMonde BALANCE that will help you get fit for summer in twelve weeks.

Rule of thumb for the pulse measurement without clock: Use the index and middle fingers to feel the pulse at the neck and count the beats for 15 seconds, then take the result x 4 = pulse value.

Breaks of 1-2 minutes Do each in between the swimming exercises and the exercise sequences in parentheses.

The right pace: * Reg = Regenerative and relaxing - for attunement or active rest. ** GA1 = Basic endurance 1: Pulse (200 - age) x 0.6. When jogging that would be an intensity at which you can still talk well. *** GA2 = Basic stamina 2: Pulse (200 - age) x 0.8. At this intensity, you may be a bit out of breath on the edge of the pool, but you should not completely exhaust yourself.

dry runs

These three exercises with the Theraband are the ideal complement to swimming. They provide more strength endurance by additionally strengthening the arms. All exercises should be concentrated. Ensure a secure footing, and tense the middle of the body.

1. The feet are shoulder-width on the middle of the Therabandes, the upper arms are close to the body, the forearms show at right angles to the front. The band is held in such a way that tension is barely noticeable when the arms are bent.

That's how it works: Tense your back and stomach slightly, then stretch your hands close to the body and head upwards. 8-12 times, 3 repetitions.

2. Legs in easy step, the weight is evenly distributed. The right foot stands on one end of the band, the left hand covers the other end with slight tension. The upper arms are on the body, the forearms show at right angles to the front.

That's how it works: The left arm is stretched out with the tape and goes straight up in a flowing movement until just behind the head. Back and butt are tense. They do not turn. The left shoulder opens backwards. 8-12 times, paging, 3 reps.

3. Shoulder wide stand, the right hand includes a strap end - the arm is angled behind the head so that the upper arm is parallel to the head and the elbow is pointing upwards. The left hand holds the other end of the strap with slight tension behind the back - about at the buttocks height.

That's how it works: The right forearm is stretched up with the band while the upper arm remains stable. The other hand holds the position and the tension behind the back. 8-12 times, paging, 3 reps.

Dress code

The swimsuit: A high-cut back or crossed straps provide a good grip. An outfit that is constantly slipping is not good for swimming training. The size is right if the suit is not too tight in a dry state, but also forms no wrinkles. The swimming goggles: Protect the eyes with a well-fitting swimming goggles from the chlorine water. Test the glasses by simply pressing the glasses on the eyes. If the seal also sucks easily on the face on land, it usually keeps optimally in the water.

Swimming To Lose Belly Fat | Get Amazing Results! (May 2024).

Training plan, endurance training, swimming, bikini figure, training plan