Survey shows: For these reasons men would part ways IMMEDIATELY

Think about: What would be absolute relationship-no-gos for you? Does something come together, right? The online dating agency Elitepartner asked 6,500 adults: What would cause you to split up?

Affair? Is unforgivable!

71 percent of the men surveyed said that a longer affair would be a reason for separation. Similarly, if the partner restricts them too much (64%), neglecting their personal hygiene (58%) or committing an infidelity (45%). Last but not least, jealousy is a reason for separation for men (52%).

And what about the women?

Since the results are similar.

  • A longer affair? 83%
  • If my partner restricts me? 68%
  • If he neglects his body hygiene? 61%
  • If he commits an infidelity? 56%
  • If he is too jealous? 54%

Where are the sexes but quite different: Twenty-three percent of the men said it was a reason for separation if the partner's appearance changed dramatically. However, only 10 percent of women see it that way.

As you can see again: Men are just a little more superficial than women ...

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Reason for separation, ripcord, love relationship