Study: Capsule coffee machines are true germicides

Without my coffee, nothing goes in the morning! There is no better start to the day than getting up, capsule into the machine and enjoy. Well, if you knew how contaminated your machine is then you would probably want to spit it all out right away.

A study of the 'Universidad de Valencia' has now revealed that to the 70 different germs are at home in our capsule machines. Is not that disgusting ?! The scientists tested ten different machines from private households, as well as from companies, on their germ load. The machines have been in use for a year and have been used at least three times a day.

Small all-clear:

The germs came from the group of enterococci and Pseudomonas, which can make you ill, but in this case are too low - fortunately! So a small all-clear - the germs are not harmful to health, but only the idea, can spoil one's appetite. That's why it's really important to clean the machine regularly.

Making of Black Phenyle Disinfectant - Simple and Quick Steps (May 2024).

Coffee machine, coffee, germ spinner