Sport Against Burn-Out - 3 sports for recreation

Everything is too much for you? You feel exhausted, lossless and powerless? And maybe you notice that many things do not give you as much pleasure as it used to be? Then this could be a serious sign of a burn-out.

External circumstances such as stress, time pressure and multitasking naturally promote "burnout", but several key factors combine to trigger a burn-out. A key factor is that you actively recover from your everyday stress. By movement. Which sports are the most effective and let you turn off the maximum, we have put together here for you.

Run, baby, run!

Very easy to implement and one of the easiest sports in the world is: running. For this you only need a few ingredients and already can? regardless of time and place - go. Essential: good running shoes and weather-related clothing. Here are some nice and functional recommendations for shopping here:

But what makes running so healthy and protects us from a "burn-out"? On the one hand, this sport trains your cardiovascular system, builds up muscle and fat off and on the side it has a balancing effect on your psyche.

Happy hormone cocktail

While walking, our brain releases so-called neurotransmitters, such as the well-being hormone serotonin. This brightens your mood and just makes you feel good. At the same time you produce the happiness hormone endorphin while walking. This fabric makes it easier for you to "open" and maybe talk to your "running partner" about what's on your mind right now.

Running therefore has a double positive effect as a prevention of burn-out: you train both your cardiovascular system and incidentally, your regular exercise unit has a balancing effect on your psyche. It's best to start immediately. Come on, what are you waiting for?

Asanas as a source of power

Another way that can help you relax too actively, and the emergency brake of a burn-out is: yoga. This sport helps you to look inwards and to leave the outside, which causes your stress, outside. What you need for it? Not much: Do yoga exercises traditionally be practiced? Barefoot ?. To get started, we recommend a cozy yoga tight, a well-fitting top and a non-slip mat. Some nice and at the same time experienced "yogis" tested recommendations can be found here:

What exactly does yoga do to your body and mind? Yoga makes you flexible, has a positive effect on metabolism, digestion, immune system and cardiovascular system. Another benefit of this sport: Through regular practice of asanas and breathing exercises, you train your inner serenity and promote your inner ability to actively manage stress. The ideal sport to permanently and long-term protect yourself from a "burn-out".


Just like experienced yoginis, swimming through the right moves can help you achieve a state of meditative relaxation. Similar to running, you also release mood-enhancing messengers in this sport and literally swim away from your stress. Swimming is an ideal stress relief that gives your body and mind the carefree relaxation and strength they need to avoid the risk of burnout. And the best part? Apart from functional swimwear, you do not need much to get in the car. That practical swimwear can also look stylish and pretty at the same time, we show you here:

3 Tips to Overcome Burnout and Stress (May 2024).

Burnout, Yoga, Jogging, Sport, Sportswear, Exhaustion, Relaxation, Relaxation Exercise