Sewing pillows out of ties - that's how it works

Tie Cushion (woven) - you need:

  • about 10-15 ties (depending on the width of the ties)
  • 110 x 55 cm fabric
  • 1 zipper, 40 cm long
  • 1 pillow inlay, 50 x 50 cm
  • yarn
  • Cut: 1 x 53 x 53 cm = front piece (VT)
  • Cut: 2 x 27 x 53 cm = back (RT)

Tie Cushion (woven) - how it works:

Choose ties by color and weave them together by hand on a table until at least 53 x 53 cm and the pad size including seam allowance is reached. Cut the ties to the desired length, fasten them at the edges and sew them on the 53 x 53 cm piece of fabric. For the zipper put the two back pieces right to right. Sew one side seam together 6.5 cm from top and bottom. Sew in the opening of 40 cm the zipper. Then place the RT and VT right to right and sew them all around. Overcast the seams and turn the pillow over.

Tie Cushion (sewn) - you need:

  • 10-14 ties (depending on the width of the ties)
  • 2 x 27 x 53 cm fabric for the back
  • 1 zipper, 40 cm long
  • 1 pillow inlay, 50 x 50 cm
  • yarn

Tie Cushion (sewn) - how it works:

Sort neckties by colors and put them together on a table. Alternately lay a thin one next to a thick end until at least the desired area of ​​53 x 53 cm is reached. Then tie the tie pieces edge to edge together and sew them together with a big zigzag stitch. For the zipper put the two back pieces right to right. Sew one side seam together 6.5 cm from top and bottom. Sew in the opening of 40 cm the zipper. Then place the RT and VT right to right and sew them all around. Overcast the seams and turn the pillow over.

Tip: For a nice effect, use a sewing thread in contrasting color when sewing zigzag.

Farmhouse Pillows DIY- Grain Sack and Ticking Stripe Pillow Sewing Tutorial (May 2024).

Tie, instructions, zipper, sewing pillows from ties, sewing pillows, sewing, instructions