Remove stubborn glitter nail polish - with this simple trick

On special occasions, a glittering nail polish looks great. However, even applying the paint takes a little more time. For the paint to look even and even, it needs two to three layers and a little more drying time than ordinary paint. The glitter paint then remove again, can be quite annoying and is full of pitfalls. Finally, the thicker and rougher surface does not even let go with a cotton pad and nail polish remover. The result? We try to scrape the remains somehow or run around for days. But that is now FINAL! We'll show you an ultimate trick to easily remove glitter nail polish. And you will find all aids in your household.

So you can remove annoying glitter nail polish

That's what you need:

  • 5 cotton pads
  • nail polish remover
  • Aluminum foil
  • Approximately 10 minutes time

Halve the five cotton pads so you have ten pieces of cotton. This impregnates her with a commercial nail polish remover. Tear off ten small pieces of aluminum foil. Now put the soaked pads on each fingernail and wrap around each one piece of aluminum foil. After about 10 minutes, you can remove the pads with the aluminum foil from the nail again. Et voila: The glitter paint is completely removed as if by magic.

You have no aluminum foil at hand? Then squeeze out two halves of lemon and bathe your fingernails for 5 minutes. After that, the glitter paint should also replace without problems with a nail polish remover.

Glitter paints and nail polish removers you can shop here:

Video Recommendation:

Remove Glitter Polish in Seconds! Nail Trick (July 2024).

Glitter paint