R. Kelly: Again he faces serious allegations

Especially in the 1990s and 2000s successful R & B singer R. Kelly (51, "I Believe I Can Fly") has been exposed for some time serious abuse allegations. Now two more women are raising their voices.

In conversation with "BuzzFeedNews" Lizzette Martinez explains that she had had sex with the singer in the winter of 1995. He was 28 at the time, but she was only 17 - and Kelly knew that too. However, in Florida, where she lived, persons are considered to be able to consent only at the age of 18. Although the singer beat her in five different situations, her relationship lasted until 1999. During this time he forced her to sexual acts several times. She describes the singer as a "predator".

"Never give me up"

The other woman, who is referred to as Michelle in the article, is the mother of a now 27-year-old daughter who was also 17 years old when she had a relationship with Kelly. Michelle has not been in contact with her daughter for three months, which she believes has been brainwashed and part of Kelly's alleged sex cult. She believes that her daughter is in trouble because the last words she heard from her were "never give me up".

Last summer it had become known that Kelly allegedly led a kind of sex cult. He was accused of imprisoning several young women and attempting to commit them to them. At the time, "BuzzfeedNews" also reported that the singer controlled every aspect of women's lives. He says when to eat, sleep and bathe, how to dress and how to behave in sexual acts that he records on video.

Just a few days ago, the "Time's Up" organization, which was founded in the course of the Weinstein scandal and the #Metoo movement, also got involved for the first time. In an open letter it said, among other things: "We demand appropriate investigations and investigations of the accusations against R. Kelly, which are raised by black women and their families now for over two decades." The organization supports the existing # MuteRKelly movement and urges companies to cut all existing connections to the singer - including RCA Records, Ticketmaster, Spotify and Apple Music.

R. Kelly faces federal sex crime charges (May 2024).

R. Kelly, Abuse Allegation, Florida, R. Kelly, Abuse, Sex Cult, Abuse Allegations