Quite simply contraindicated

"How did you come up with this nonsense?" - Reveal the subject If you show that you can see through the manipulation, the killer phrase has no more power. In a matter-of-fact tone, say: "With this sentence you want to make a fool of me." ? "They try to question my competence." ? "You want to devalue my proposal."

"Do not always be so picky." - Ask a Consultation The manager's wisdom "Who asks, leads" often helps with killer phrases. Make the attacker execute his thoughts, "Why are you addressing this right now?" ? "What exactly do you mean by that?" Answering such questions is difficult if you just wanted to be a bit spiteful.

"You look so pale, you probably celebrated too much." - Ignore the remark What does the moon care about when a dog barks at him? Sometimes it is best to get over nasties sovereign. Do not answer or say, "Thanks for pointing me out." Then go on with your work or what you just wanted to say.

"You have no idea about that." - Put it to the extreme Make it clear how presumptuous the statement is: "You know my career and my qualifications so well, so you can say that for sure." Or you lay? depending on the situation ? even more: "Although I have studied exactly what we are talking about here, but how could I imagine that I could have a say in this circle."

"The file surely went down in your chaos." - Do it right Wrong information about yourself or your work should not be left alone, otherwise it will end up with something stuck. Make sure that your contradiction comes across as information and does not sound like a justification. So not: "I did not have the process in the hand", but: "As far as I know, Mr. Möhring is responsible."

"And you had everything under control again, as always." - Intentionally misunderstand the other. Ironical remarks go nowhere when you do naively and take them literally. Spot the attacker and respond nicely (without any undertone, please): "Oh, thank you for the compliment."

"You should wear your hair open." - Do not be distracted If someone tries to irritate you with unobjective comments, do not engage in any discussion. Briefly iron: "That's not the topic now." ? "My look does not matter." Sexuality is best ridiculed: "Oh, I did not know that I'm meeting Superman today."

"You understand no fun at all." - Change the topic If somebody gets stuck in the wrong place that you do not want to upset or because you can not directly contravene because of your position, just change the topic: "How is your daughter, does she feel well in training?" ? "That reminds me, what happened to the Hartmann assignment?"

"Maybe you are a bit too old for that." - Generalize Unobjective remarks that you should make in person can transport you into the impersonal and deftly reject them in this way. "Yes, you're right, at 50, some are not so flexible."

"They just want to ingratiate themselves with the boss." - Smash your opponent's ball back "Who says it, who is it"? do you remember this children's proposition? Send back to the sender his impudence as a return coach: "Please do not just close it to others." ? "You seem to have a problem with the topic."

Day 1 - Appropriate Use of Drug Therapies for Osteoporotic Fracture Prevention (May 2024).

Repartee, repartee