Quality label for fashion: H & M wants to be fairer

© Mattias Bardå / H & M

In an interview with SPIEGEL (28/13), Karl-Johan Persson, H & M CEO and grandson of H & M founder Erling Persson, defends himself against the "irresponsible Billigheimer image" of his group. After the disaster in the textile factory "Rana Plaza" with over 1,100 dead, he first emphasizes that H & M did not produce in the factory. However, the company has signed the fire protection agreement of the "Clean Clothes Campaign" only after the accident. Programs and training to improve the fire protection and security measures drives H & M according to its own statement for two years. In addition, by 2015, the company wants to produce CO2-neutral and become the largest consumer of organic cotton. But the 38-year-old goes even further: He plans a worldwide seal, which is for firmly defined standards for wages, environment and social aspects stands. In view of the label and seal jungle from the consumer's point of view certainly not a bad idea. Or does the fashion giant just want to miss a "greener" paint job? Renate Künast, group leader of the Greens in the Bundestag, today spoke out promptly for the demand of an international seal. She told the German Press Agency: "There must be a disclosure obligation for companies: On the production sites, on the social standards, on the controls that they carry out themselves. "She also supported the doubling of the wages of seamstresses and seamstresses in the textile factories:" This brings the person concerned in the end just 30 euros a month more ", would make the textiles but only slightly more expensive.

The Princess Bride (8/12) Movie CLIP - Miracle Max (1987) HD (May 2024).

Fashion, Karl Johan Persson, Hennes & Mauritz, Rana Plaza Building, Fair Trade Label, H & M, Sustainability, Green Fashion