Presumptuous or cool? Dunja Hayali posts 95 theses on Facebook

For some, October 31, 2017 was just a welcome day off. Officially, however, we celebrated the 500th Reformation Day: 500 years ago, Martin Luther was supposed to have beaten his 95 theses "Out of Love for Truth" to the church portal in Wittenberg. Whatever the story has exactly happened? Luther's work has decisively shaped our thinking and our culture.

Now 500 years is a long time. The world has changed, evolved. Today we face other challenges, but we have very different boundaries to those of 1517. Do we perhaps need new theses?

Dunja's Facebook theses - a mix of politics and the art of living

Anyway, Dunja Hayali has put some up for discussion. Instead of hitting a church portal, she posted them on a social media portal.

In her collection, she formulates concrete political demands such as "less marriage, more family support", as well as ethical advice such as "hold yourself out" and "fear not death." Fear the bad life.

Particularly impressive is that in a thesis even Donald Trump is right? that testifies to courage. ? 2

, Revanchier dich.A
us a book by Donald Trump from 2008 (!). "My guide to success." And I think he's right. Revenge yourself! For better or for worse. You do not have to put up with everything. (Of course without violence.)

Many users have commented on Dunja's work:

WOW!!! I am 100 percent d'accord.

A great woman. She also stands for what she says.

Thank you, Dunya! The best evening reading for a long time!

But there were also a number of negative comments:

In the beginning was the Word. But some have not understood this until today.

Only pull on the parcel postman and then make one on Christian? K

Can not you just keep quiet this day? W

o Are the theses struck, at the Reichstag? What a presumption! T

Yes. It is clear that with such a large collection of 95 theses not every single enthusiasm can trigger everyone's happiness. Especially unusual theses such as 21 "The elite are we" may have caused some to stumble. But in any case, Dunja Hayali has made many people think. and that's always good

n the Hater: "Listen more David Bowie" W

However, as people should consider before they get upset and accuse Dunya Hayali of presumptuousness, she has explicitly stated in her post that she "brings their theses into the discussion." She says in no tone that they criticize Luther's theses, let alone replace.

In addition, she does with theses like 34. "Listen more David Bowie" It is clear that she does not take herself seriously and understands herself as a great reformer, but in the first place shares her personal philosophy of life in order to inspire all who wish.

And no matter how one stands on the individual theses: the courage to share one's own attitude to life and sometimes very personal thoughts with the public, to stimulate discussion and reflection - deserves respect in any case.

Presumptuous Manager (May 2024).