Porcini mushrooms: the tastiest recipes

Everything you need to know about porcini mushrooms

The mushroom is one of the best known and most popular native mushroom species and thus of course the most common trophies of mushroom pickers in this country. It is assigned to the genus Dickröhrlinge (Boletus) and is listed there as "Boletus edulis". The fungus owes its common name to the fact that His flesh is much firmer than that of most of his fellows.

The pale yellow flesh on the underside of the cap is also one of the most important identifiers that you should pay attention to when collecting. The smooth, light brown cap myself and the pale brownish, strong, stalked stalk are other important features. Beware of non-edible doppelgängers: The gallbladder, a relative of the genus of the tube, for example, can be seen from the fact that the tubes turn pink and the grain is not as pronounced as the boletus. It smells unpleasant, tastes extremely bitter and can cause gastrointestinal discomfort. If in doubt, you should always ask an expert for advice to avoid eating a poisonous or inedible mushroom.

Connoisseurs know: Porcini mushrooms are often found near spruce. That's why he carries next "Mr. Mushroom" and "Noble rot" also the nickname "Spruce stone mushroom", Already in May you can discover the first mushroom-heads in the woods by collecting mushrooms. From June, the mushroom has high season.

Buy fresh porcini mushrooms

However, most of us usually buy them at the grocery store. As one of the most important domestic edible mushrooms, next to the mushrooms, it is of particular importance. His popularity stems mainly from his intense mushroom taste ago. The great thing about it is that it does not get lost during drying and cooking. So the mushroom also gives off-season soups, stews and pans a wonderful aroma. By the way, you can recognize good porcini mushrooms by their smooth, firm and fresh cap when shopping. The important thing is you should not too dry, but also have no wet spots, As a rule, a subtle forest scent emanates from them.

All-round talents: cooking and frying porcini mushrooms

In addition, the fungus is particularly versatile. Roasting, stewing, stewing ? There is almost no preparation that does not do the boletus good. In some places it is even said that you can also eat the boletus raw, but we would usually advise against it. In ancient times, he was said to have been used inter alia to secretly murder politicians or other public figures by poison.

That's for sure: In large quantities consumed raw, the boletus ensures at least for abdominal pain, We therefore recommend rather a delicious mushroom risotto and for the variety porcini pans, soups or with mushrooms pizza. Many creative recipes for porcini mushrooms can be found in our picture gallery above.

Store porcini mushrooms correctly

If you can not use the purchased mushrooms right away and you do not want to resort to dried porcini mushrooms, you should take care when storing one carefully balanced balance between dryness and moisture to preserve. Mushrooms like it cool and airy. Stored dry and flat in the pantry, you can prepare it well the next day.

If you want to be on the safe side, you can also put the cleaned mushrooms in an air-permeable container in the vegetable compartment. Never pack in bags or closed containers! So the porcini mushrooms keep about 24 hours. If you want to store them longer, you can freeze mushrooms for up to 6 months (and then put it in the frozen state directly in the pot) or mushrooms dry.

Properly clean and prepare porcini mushrooms

When cleaning the porcini mushrooms, be sure to cut away as much as you really need to get away. Especially the Bottom of the hat is rich in nutrientsof which you want to receive as much as possible. Here you should really only cut out parts that are foul or maggot. Carefully peel off the epidermis from the hat with a small, sharp knife if there is too much dirt or even small foreign matter attached to it. Usually, however, it is sufficient to clean them superficially with a brush or with a piece of kitchen paper.

If you work with dried mushrooms, the porcini mushrooms place in lukewarm water for about 30 minutes and only then cut and mitgaren. It is best to only boil or sauthe the mushrooms to obtain as much flavor as possible. It is best to use olive oil and butter.

Stewed porcini mushrooms with cream and freshly-caught parsley are perfect with pasta and cooked in no time at all. For even more delicious inspirations around the porcini mushroom rummage through our recipe range above. Or do you fancy a mushroom pan?

How to Rehydrate Dried Mushrooms - Re-Hydrating Reconstitute - Best Mushroom Recipes (July 2024).

Autumn cuisine, meat, autumn recipes, mushroom, porcini mushroom