• May 17, 2024

Plea for porn: new self-confidence!

We owe a lot to our '68 mothers. They gave us building bricks, cut their hair short and registered in the gymnastics club. They put on purple dungarees, let their armpit hair grow and discussed that women can do more than make cake and give birth to children. They've set up candles and talked about needing more in bed than getting up and going out. They have lit incense sticks and celebrated the prelude. Woe to him who plunged like a lemming into the vagina. No, caress, cuddle, stimulate - that's what the woman needs to get to the climax. The ideological campaign against everything misogynist was merciless: miniskirts, lipsticks, bras mutated into the scourge of femininity. Absolute epitome of contempt, humiliation and degradation of women to the object of desire male sex greed: the pornographic film.

Women react with disgust when it comes to the topic. Clawing at how brain-amputated the guys have to be, making fun of such a shit. It seems that women are immune to optical sensory stimuli, as if images of big stiff cocks had the same effect on them as photos of smoker's legs. Why do women feel humiliated by the fact that a major element of most pornography is blowing scenes in close-up? The male performers can also play their tongue extensively.

It is fair to say that many women, together with their boyfriend, would definitely watch porn. But if he did it secretly and alone, that would be a reason for separation. This desire for all-encompassing mental and physical fusion garnished with the goal of being his only source of pleasure, is not only quite vain, but also quite unrealistic. Which woman dreams exclusively of her partner in life if she does it herself? So, why would he play this? And whether he now unwinds to the pictures in the head or moan about the TV, is still Wurscht.

The hippie notion of cosmic sex without a certain - mutual - dominance gap does not work. And anyway: Nothing is fading away than politically correct sex. Fearful of betraying emancipation, women forbid themselves curiosity and lust when it comes to porn. However, this not only contradicts the reproductive biology, but also the self-confidence that women should have - especially if they want to be emancipated.

Dr. Phil Tells a Man His Demands for His Wife are Unrealistic (May 2024).

Pleasure, porn, porn for women, sex, porn, women, feminist, emanze, misogynist, hippies, generation 68, generation