Original gifts that cost nothing!

1. Letter subscription for the father

Fathers are a poorly informed species, the relevant events in the lives of their adult children, they learn mostly via mothers holding telephone contact. This will change abruptly if you give your father a letter subscription for Christmas.

It consists of twelve handwritten letters, the term is one year, makes one letter per month - text length variable. Sometimes you can put up with anecdotes, childhood memories, some newer photos. It's one of the gifts that will not cost you anything, but your dad will definitely be happy about it. Either way: plenty of fatherly emotion is sure.

2. Bedtime stories for the grandmother

These beautiful bedtime stories are gifts that cost nothing but come from the heart. When she was still a child, there was no one who could read bedtime stories as wonderful as your grandmother? Then it's high time for you to return the favor. Your gift: ten evening visits, each with a short story in the luggage, which is entertaining, but of course not so exciting that they may take an old lady's night's sleep.

Your grandmother lives too far away to pass by? Then read by phone. Beautiful poems are also suitable for this, and the rest of the time is simply blabbed.

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Make gifts yourself - the best instructions

3. Gather for the girlfriend

Collecting berries and herbs has always been a woman's business. A beautiful tradition that has gone out of fashion completely wrongly.

If you have a fresh-air fanatic girlfriend, whom you rarely see too much, then this year you are going to give the four seasons for Christmas: a Sunday in the spring to collect wild garlic picking, a summer's day to harvest blackberries, in the fall it's all mushrooms , and in winter, pine cones and twigs are picked up for decorative purposes. Further processing and detailed discussions are of course included in the gift. These are four beautiful gifts that do not cost anything, but about which your girlfriend will enjoy a whole year.

4. Homepage for the daughter

By the age of 14 at the latest, the topic of external impact will be brought to the attention of all girls, and they will also be permanently in front of the computer. Obviously, then, the broadcast-conscious child for Christmas to create their own homepage.

For example at http://www.de.jimdo.com it's easy and free, and if your daughters may not agree with your image selection, they can use the holiday to fix it.

5. cellar pools for the mother

Granted, this requires plenty of serenity and endurance in addition to time and love. Once cellar pool is a gigantic gift - and afterwards everyone involved is relieved and happy.

But be prepared for tough negotiations ("The brown curtains are still good, they just need to be washed") - and do not let anything bother you, which will then be stored for the next 20 years in your basement.

6. More sex for the sister

Young children, everyone who knows who knows, are the absolute erotic killer: too little time, too little opportunity and chronically tired. A weekend for two - that's it, and that's what you bring to your under-eroticized sister. By home exchange. For a weekend. You take care of the little ones, and the couple may do in your apartment, what else does not come.

7. Recipes box for the nephew

Yes, they grow up madly fast, the children, so big that they suddenly leave their parents' home, live in the first flat and are now responsible for their own physical well-being. For freshly pulled nephews, who feed mainly on frozen pizza, you can afford a real life aid with a recipe box for Christmas.

You need a shoebox and otherwise: good, simple recipes - noted from memory, copied from cookbooks or torn from magazines. It is very possible that you will be invited shortly after Christmas to a tasty WG-food.

Also read

Gifts from the kitchen? homemade and delicious!

8. City tour for the husband

Men who prefer to lie on the sofa in their free time with the remote control, you have to force their luck. And because there are beautiful, unknown places in every city that can be reached by bike, this Christmas, you're giving your lame sweetheart five surprise tours of your home this Christmas.

Enchanted parks, architectural highlights, the most beautiful views - there's bound to be a lot to discover. And the best gifts are anyway, from which one also benefits.

9. Private library for the neighbor

Instead of helping out exclusively with eggs, milk or some olive oil when needed, you can also do Literary Neighborhood Assistance from Christmas: Give your favorite reading neighbor a private library card with which she can get new food from her well-stocked bookshelf at any time : Novels, illustrated books - whatever she just feels like. This makes future fun even more exciting.

10. Make-up course for the goddaughter

Mothers find made-up little girls awful, and godmothers are more relaxed. And because they have no education order, they may also apply thick in the girlies: pink lipstick, glitter eye shadow, pink rouge. To make it look good, a make-up course from the well styled aunt is ideal to please girls' hearts and soothe maternal worries.

Video Recommendation:

7 Great Gifts That Cost Nothing (May 2024).

Gift, Christmas, Homemade