Milk makes you slim

Because calcium is in dairy products, and the mineral is apparently a slimming agent. Some time ago, US researchers discovered that milk drinkers are less likely to be overweight than those who do not drink milk. Now, an American study found that dairy products even help with weight loss: Overweight study participants had been put on diet. Half of them got three yoghurt a day. After twelve weeks, this group had slashed on average five kilos - a mere kilo more than the others. In addition, the yogurt knives lost almost two thirds more fat and less muscle mass.

Calcium seems responsible for this effect. Michael Boschmann also suggests that a number of enzymes and hormones in milk are involved in fat burning; Therefore, the researcher thinks little of just swallowing calcium tablets. Boschmann therefore recommends drinking 3 to 4 glasses (200 ml each) of low-fat milk per day during a reduced-calorie diet or eating three cups of skim milk yoghurt or 70 grams of sliced ​​cheese with 30 to 45 percent fat.

The Weight Loss Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (May 2024).

Charité, diet, cheese, milk, dairy products