Make-up removal with baking soda: That really works

The Internet is full of baking powder lifehacks - because in fact, the magic powder can make the little pitfalls of everyday life a lot easier.

You should try these baking powder lifehacks!

  1. Lighten hair:Natural blond hair can be made even lighter by baking soda. Depending on the hair length, one to three packets of baking powder are mixed with water. The resulting paste can then be distributed on the entire head or on individual strands. Then let it soak in a little heat, preferably in the sun, for about an hour - and look forward to the bright result!
  2. Clean clogged drains:Also with this problem baking soda is an ingenious aid. Put a sachet of it in the dry effluent and immediately pour half a cup of vinegar after it. The result is a foaming reaction, a few minutes later you can rinse the outflow with warm water.
  3. Neutralize odorsEven with unpleasant scents baking soda is your friend and helper! Sprinkle half a sachet on a small plate and put in the fridge for a few hours. Baking soda binds the odors and thus works in shoes - or even in the litter box.

How to free yourself from stress with baking soda, get rid of even the most stubborn dirt and let your laundry shine white again, you'll learn everything in the video above.

USE BAKING SODA FOR HAIR REMOVAL?? #itriedit (May 2024).

Baking soda, drain, make-up removal, cleanser, laundry care, stress management