LoeyLane - "My body is misunderstood"

LoeyLane is an American plus-size blogger. In her YouTube videos she presents make-up instructions, hairstyling and plus-size fashion. At first glance, her video "Plus Size Swimwear Lookbook" is an ordinary fashion video in which she shows swimwear.

However, this video has linked LoeyLane with a very personal message to the public. "My body is misunderstood," she says. Most people think a full-bodied woman does not do sports, just sit on the sofa and eat fast food, says LoeyLane, who used to have an eating disorder. "People tell me I'm not healthy, need to lose weight, but when they see me in the gym, they blaspheme about me - just loud enough for me to hear it."

"Before you tell me what's wrong with my body, let me tell you what's right with it, this body can run for miles without disappointing me, this body is strong, this body has curves and muscles Nourished by eating healthy food, but also failing to feed him less well every now and then, this is the only body I will have for the rest of my life, showing my efforts and progress, why should not I be proud Why should not the path to health be as good as the finished result? " Your message is simple: every person has a different body. Learn to find your own beautiful and appreciate its strengths.

Plus-Size Swimwear Lookbook (May 2024).

youtube, LoeyLane, plus-size blogger, plus-size blog, plus-size swimwear, video blog