Lidl goes new ways - soon we can order fruits and vegetables online!

Accordingly, the discounter plans from December to include fruits, vegetables and other fresh produce in the online shop. So far, there are mainly offer products such as textiles or kitchen appliances.

Now butter, salami, frozen pizza and Co. should also be added. We will soon be able to pick up the ordered goods in the branches. A first test run is scheduled to start in Berlin by the end of the year, reports the magazine.

With this step, Lidl would especially preempt Amazon. Because: A Germany start of the offer "Amazon Fresh", over which customers can order food and fresh goods, could be imminent.

In Germany, for example, Rewe already offers an online food store - which in this case is also delivered to your home.

Lidl £1.50 fruit and veg box and shopping haul (May 2024).

Lidl, Discount Store, Berlin, Groceries, Frozen Pizza, Onlineshop, Butter, Amazon