Lana del Rey and the men

Dear Lana del Rey,

It is not always easy to understand you. The other day you confused us when you breathed the sentence "I wish I was already dead" into the world and robbed quite a few sleepers. And now we are puzzling over the next strange confession: "Fucked My Way Up To The Top" is your new single (in English: "I have slept to the top"), and of course asked the US magazine "Complex" in the interview more precisely: Is there something about it? Are these personal experiences? And you, very cool, "I've slept with a lot of guys from the industry, but none of them helped me get a record deal, which is annoying."

What do we do with it? Is that tough or cheap? A clarified confession about the ways in the music business? Should it shock us? Make you interesting? Or just boost the sales of your single? In any case, the sentence worked. Hardly a gossip column that has not announced your sex confession. However, very few scribes took the trouble to look at your answer in the interview. Because in it you explain how the song is actually meant: "It's a comment, according to the motto 'I know exactly what you think about me' and that's what I play on." Right, play, play - that's your style, Lana, and so you have to deal with your answers. You always include at least one double floor, a bit of irony, a little room for interpretation. And while the reporters are still frantically researching which men you have nibbled on your way up, you are already smiling mysteriously into yourself. And we are now pretty sure: Who can be so well self-staging, "certainly" does not need men. At the most for playing.

Million Dollar Man Lyrics - Lana Del Rey (May 2024).
